[籃球] 扣安 6/11 絕穩NBA

看板SportLottery標題[籃球] 扣安 6/11 絕穩NBA作者
(Cole Anthony)
時間推噓26 推:26 噓:0 →:5

Dear all,

Absolutely confident game coming!Plz Seize this opportunity, I bet this game heavily. Welcome to join me!

[email protected]

Over 223.5

Score gogo

Best regards

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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※ 編輯: ColeAnthony ( 臺灣), 06/11/2021 00:45:08

XTaiwanAyin 06/11 00:49Is it just me or is it getting cr

XTaiwanAyin 06/11 00:49azier out there?

LaserLi 06/11 00:55push

hb050317 06/11 01:18GOGOGO

KKKKKvs333 06/11 01:19okok, money

Daisy1209 06/11 01:21GGininder big big big

Pf2you 06/11 01:30win money together song

fasteagle 06/11 01:36How to win big

RRayyyy0904 06/11 01:48How to lose

lotterywin 06/11 01:54快點輸入攻略:show me the money

Stojakovic16 06/11 02:55蒿兔露絲

julies0215 06/11 06:43all in big

iversonya 06/11 06:51push

iversonya 06/11 06:52how do I ask this question?

brian10207 06/11 07:03too many people here dengerous

vanii40 06/11 07:35okok

hcw1204 06/11 08:19Is that good to drink?

StrKO 06/11 08:54Wow, english class here, amazing!

raysbuck 06/11 09:27My heart will go on and on

Daniel0712 06/11 09:54Well it’s good to drink thumbs

Daniel0712 06/11 09:54up

HugoJheng 06/11 10:18we are the champion !

iversonya 06/11 11:44may show gun ?(美修幹?)

currykukuo 06/11 13:01KONG HAY FAT CHOI

Daniel0712 06/11 13:01穩 恭喜

iversonya 06/11 13:06open 228

kmudfront 06/11 13:06WEI GUN AINT GOT SHIT ON ME

tender573 06/11 13:52Wow! People mountain people sea !

h45342 06/11 13:59尼好 堆不起 我種文部豪

iversonya 06/11 18:28U CC U

So easy this time, enjoy this weekend!

※ 編輯: ColeAnthony ( 臺灣), 06/11/2021 19:22:21

iversonya 06/11 20:12thanks