[情報] 兩則 Scott King和Brandon Boston Jr.

看板Spurs標題[情報] 兩則 Scott King和Brandon Boston Jr. 作者
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The San Antonio Spurs are hiring New York Knicks player development coach
Scott King as the head coach of the G League Austin Spurs, sources tell ESPN.

挖了尼克隊球員發展教練 -- Scott King

The San Antonio Spurs and Brandon Boston Jr. have agreed to a deal, league
sources told @hoopshype . The 22-year-old guard will compete for a roster
spot. He spent the past three seasons with the Los Angeles Clippers and
averaged 6.2 points in 12.9 minutes per game.

Brandon Boston Jr (訓練營合約?)加入馬刺
Paul Garcia做的數據圖:
官方體測 裸足6'5.75'' 臂展6'10.75''


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love150027408/10 01:03我猜只是開開福袋而已 他籃子真的不怎麼樣

Scion08/10 06:59還能再簽?簽完馬拉愷二號不是就21人了?

Sparxxx08/10 08:15BJ Boston 投射長不出來,算是簽來湊人數的吧!遙想另一

Sparxxx08/10 08:15位同樣也是21梯,在快艇當側翼養的Primo...

asd0763308/10 08:34今年有聖誕大戰欸 好久沒有= =

asd0763308/10 08:35去妞約打尼克

ck32608/10 09:20開季前裁掉就好了

lion50008/11 08:25斑馬奧運之旅結束了,看得出他求勝心超高,下個球季馬刺

lion50008/11 08:25好好加油,打出一番好戰績吧

b03o20y08/11 09:34很多人都忘了他才20歲,也剛結束第一年菜鳥賽季

b03o20y08/11 09:44而且發現斑馬調整很快,原本大家都知道球要塞給他,小組

b03o20y08/11 09:44賽整隊變不會打,後面轉成牽制點不硬打,全隊好打很多