[閒聊] Wemby HBD
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[花邊] Wemby和Silver共進晚餐,討論NBA門面及未Victor Wembanyama met with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver last night over dinner. Some of the discussion points during Silver and Wembanyama's hour and a half dinner centered on global influence, the future of the NBA and how Wembanyama fits in that aspect as the face of the league. Wemby 和NBA主席Silver 昨晚共進晚餐聊天一個半小時,討論著全球的影響力 、NBA的未來以及如何扮演好NBA的門面。 心得:爆
[情報] Wemby婉拒了官方辦的夜總會,只想準備比賽來源: NBA官網記者 Victor Wembanyama, 19, skipped the Summer Players Party at Tao nightclub hosted by Fanatics CEO Michael Rubin and the NBA’s Players Association. He declined the invitation to99
[花邊] Wembanyama跟Bol Bol的差別?來源: There are 2 kinds of NBA fans. 對於此問題有兩種球迷。 One fan sees two guys over 7’2” who play like they’re 6’2”. They’re light on their feet and have the ball on a string. They’re a cheat code until86
[花邊] Wembanyama:第三次在NBA遇到逆境馬刺隊記Jeff McDonald X French reporter asks Wemby if this is the first time he's felt adversity in an NBA game. His answer, also in French: "It was the third time." 法國記者問Wemby今日的比賽是否是他第一次在NBA感受到逆境。82
[閒聊] Victor Wembanyama 球員介紹The second pick will be made by...the Charlotte Hornet.(Let's Go!) And that means the number 1 pick at the 2023 nba draft goes to... The San Antonio Spurs! ----------------- 只能說一切就是像有劇本般的,隨著球團與Wemby一同歡呼,60
[花邊] 斑馬休賽季增重20磅Victor Wembanyama is officially listed at 229 pounds, h/t @BasketNews_com. Wemby gained 20 pounds this offseason. Victor Wembanyama目前的正式體重為229磅 (104 公斤)55
[花邊]Wembanyama:他們怎麼得知我搭這班飛機的?稍早Victor Wembanyama抵達美國後遇到大批粉絲並且為他們簽名並接受簡短採訪 記者:Victor你有想到會有這場面嗎? Wemby:我不知道他們怎麼得知我在那班飛機的,但是很有趣,看到你能對人們造成那麼大的 影響,很不一樣26
[花邊] PSG 幫 Wembanyama 拉明星賽投票Hey @spurs fans! Let’s get @wemby to the @NBA All Star game! You can vote here 嘿 馬刺球迷 大家一起把Wemby送進明星賽2
[討論] Wemby與Chet他們的發展是不是決定了以後球探對腦袋流還是天賦流的比重啊? Wemby雖然天賦真的是最頂中的最頂,但從兩場夏聯比賽能看出來,他除了賣天份以外其 他什麼都是0,運球一包就掉,下滑時機差(或甚至跟本不下滑),賣高錯位打到小好幾 號的側翼甚至後衛也寧可低效的硬拔而非要到好位置放進,要說他現在跟本沒NBA ready 的技能包也不違過- 這個新聞當然是因為斑馬是流量密碼的,但是概念很有趣。 以現在Wemby熱度,加上大家對於一場都還沒打的新秀充滿想像空間 其實直得討論的點是:現今NBA有任何一隊能提出讓人心動又合理的交易籌碼? 馬刺GM可能不換,但是要win now的拓荒者神抽到狀元籤就完全不同概念了 首先,交易不外是選秀權和球員互換