[情報] Carroll説他和Pop在籃球上沒有交流

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Spurs’ Carroll says he ‘just didn’t jell’ with Popovich

原文滿長的 我擷取和馬刺籃球相關的部分

CHICAGO – It’s been a bust of a season for Spurs forward DeMarre Carroll.

芝加哥報導- 本季對於DeMarre Carroll來說是個糟糕的賽季

Yet there he was Friday night looking like the happiest guy in the world
while surrounded by family, friends and media at the launch of his colorful “Amare” athleisure clothing collection at the high-end men’s apparel shop
Agriculture Custom Clothiers on Chicago’s Near West Side.

然而,在星期五晚上,他看起來像世界上最快樂的人,在芝加哥西區高檔男裝服裝店的發布會上,DeMarre被家人朋友和媒體包圍著,推出了色彩繽紛的Amare運動服裝系列 。

“This has helped me tremendously,” said Carroll, referring to how fashion
has provided refuge from his frustrating, perplexing situation with the
Spurs. “This season has been a blessing in disguise. It made me start
looking at things for my future and being part of the fashion world is
something I want to do.”

DeMarre説,這極大地幫助了我。他指的是時尚如何幫助他,擺脫與馬刺令人沮喪和困惑的情況。 “相反的,這個賽季使我開始著眼於未來的事物,成為時尚界的一員是我想要

But make no mistake: The 11th-year pro isn’t ready to retire.


“Another opportunity will come for me,” said Carroll, 33. “San Antonio, I
don’t know where (it went wrong), what happened, what the hiccup was. But,
at the end of the day, I am totally healthy. I work out every day, twice a
day. When that opportunity comes, I will be ready to take advantage of it.”

今年33歲的Carroll說:機會將會來臨的。在聖安東尼奧,我不知道哪裡出了錯,發生了什麼事,或是什麼變化。 但總而言之,我完全健康。 我每天訓練兩次。 當機會來了,我將會好好把握他。

Signed by the Spurs in free agency last summer to a three-year deal worth
nearly $21 million, Carroll has played in just 15 of the team’s 54 games and
not at all since logging two minutes in a Jan. 8 win at Boston. He has been
inactive for the last 15 straight contest and was not with the team Feb. 2
when it embarked on the first portion of the eight-game rodeo trip.


“I don’t know what went wrong, what happened,” Carroll said. “I felt like
San Antonio was going to be a great place for me, for my talents, but it didn’t work out.”


A 3-and-D specialist, Carroll indeed seemed like a good fit for the Spurs,
who struggled in both of those areas last season and continue to be
challenged defensively. He arrived in San Antonio eager to embrace coach
Gregg Popovich’s system after posting a double-figure per-game scoring
average in five of the previous six seasons, including averaging 11.1 over 67games for Brooklyn in 2018-19.

處於掙扎的狀態,尤其是防守端一直受到嚴苛挑戰。Carroll在過去六個賽季中,有五季平均得分在雙位數,包括在上個賽季效力於籃網能場均貢獻11.1分,之後他來到了聖安東尼奧,渴望成為Gregg Popovich體系中的一份子。

“Coach Pop is a great individual to me,” Carroll said. “Outside of
basketball, we talk about family, all kinds of stuff. But with the basketballthing, we just didn’t jell.”

Pop教練對我來說是個偉大的人,Carroll說。 除了籃球,我們談論的是家庭,各種各樣的事情。但談到籃球,我們就沒有交流了。

Popovich has offered little insight into the situation other than what he
told reporters in mid-December.


“He’s good people,” Popovich said. “At this point, it’s a new program
for him and he’s got a couple guys ahead of him at that position. It’s been
tough for him to get minutes, but he’s been professional about it and done
everything I could ask.”

“他是好人,”Pop說。 此刻來說,這對Carroll來說是一個新計劃,在同位置上,有不少人上場順位排在他之前,所以他很難獲得上場時間,但他一直盡我所能的保持專業。

The Spurs explored trading Carroll, but the Feb. 6 league deadline for teams
to broker deals passed without any movement.


Asked if he was surprised a trade didn’t happen, Carroll said, “Yeah, but
no. Me being 33 and being in the league 11, 12 years, I know the NBA. If you
really want to trade somebody, the biggest thing you have to do is maybe showtheir value, play them a little bit. Not playing really hurt my value a lot.
It got a lot of teams probably second-guessing and saying, ‘Is he hurt? Is
something wrong with him?’ ”


The Spurs are paying Carroll $7 million this season and he’s set to receive
a guaranteed $6.65 million in 2020-21. Only $1.35 million of the $7 million
the pact calls for him to collect in 2021-22 is guaranteed.

Carroll本季薪資700萬美元,他將在2020-21賽季獲得665萬美元的合約保證金。 但他在2021-22年的700萬美元中,只有135萬是獲得保障的。

Asked if a buyout is a possibility, a tricky situation given how much money
remains on his contract, Carroll said he visited with his agent, Mark
Bartelstein, in Chicago during All-Star Weekend.

Carroll說,他在全明星周末期間與經紀人Mark Bartelstein一起來到了芝加哥。

“He is handling that,” Carroll said. “Him and (Spurs general manager)
Brian (Wright) and all of them. I don’t know what direction we are going to
go. But at the end of the day, at 33, I don’t want to waste my talents just
sitting at the end of the bench, knowing I could help a team produce.”

“Mark正在處理,”Carroll說。 “ 他和馬刺隊總經理Brian Wright,他們所有人正在
處理。 我不知道我將往哪個方向走。 但33歲的我不想浪費自己的天份,只是坐在板凳席的末端,因為我知道我可以幫助球隊。”

Despite the downturn in his career, Carroll has remained positive and
supportive of his teammates.


(下半文章為服飾部分 略)


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※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 美國), 02/17/2020 06:43:51

love150027402/17 06:44幫卡肉QQ

roy065102/17 07:40霧裡看花 到底怎麼了

magicchen02/17 08:22馬刺最吃緊的3號位 花錢簽來守開特力 神調度Popo

clivezzz02/17 08:34今年最詭異

Hiara02/17 08:48可憐哪

storz119702/17 09:27真的可憐 來馬刺被糟蹋QQ

Anutmiao02/17 09:51缺3號->簽卡羅->守開特力看4衛上場,幫QQ

Petyr02/17 10:13波波快點退休待在家喝紅酒就好

Kshatri02/17 10:37呵呵,馬刺文化~馬刺人,無視其他優秀小球隊,繼續該小市場

imbestbill02/17 10:42這真的很荒謬

bbbyes12302/17 10:56這齣鬧劇不作個收尾 以後應該沒人想來馬刺了

WalkerLonnie02/17 10:57噓Pop,這樣對待一個球員,以後誰還敢來

blackdevil02/17 11:03這真的很可笑,簽了不用,只愛用沒人要的咖

KawhiHao02/17 11:30Carroll今年這樣,嗯...其他球員和經紀人都看在眼裡,

KawhiHao02/17 11:30以後如果沒人要來,別怪其他人

mmmn5233202/17 11:34這個案例我真的覺得很怪....他是不是惹到他乾兒子?

k7899870002/17 11:43搞到沒人想來就算了,但搞到球員評價真的蠻過份的

hydeless02/17 11:44就硬是要卡一隻少主啊,陣容怎麼擺都畸形

hydeless02/17 11:46卡少主就算了,花了半個賽季硬卡Marco在替補三號

jamesbsbaj02/17 12:34FreeCarroll

koflll02/17 12:36有這種先例 我看以後誰敢來你馬刺

steelmankind02/17 13:04真的很腦殘。。。

windrain031702/17 13:04開羅放上去,少主會被卡到好嗎?

windrain031702/17 13:05給小白頂SF, DDR頂PF就好了,後場是給少主的

dogville02/17 13:19不用還算可以理解 這個鍋應該要算在簽約上

br3b0202/17 14:37這樣惡搞開羅,後面幾年就不要說沒人來是因為sa是小城市了

hydeless02/17 14:40Pop沒給綠燈不可能簽的,兩個鍋都是老頭子要選一個認領

hydeless02/17 14:40

br3b0202/17 14:4130歲以上老將或是大傷想簽一年拼長約的,以後應該都不會

br3b0202/17 14:41考慮馬刺了,沒幾年的時間內把正常的隊伍搞到新秀+老將地

br3b0202/17 14:41獄,偉哉制服組

xinsky1302/17 15:11這樣搞估計之後自由市場更難簽人了

KawhiHao02/17 15:19上面海德講到Marco卡3號,突然想到Marco這季前20場3P%

KawhiHao02/17 15:19不到30%,Pop依然場場用Marco,Carroll冰到底,Walker

KawhiHao02/17 15:19也還沒解凍,然後還有人可以拿三分、拉空間出來鬼話

br3b0202/17 16:27那些人的論點就是:馬可阿福就算再不準,對手也不敢放投,

br3b0202/17 16:27所以有拉開空間喔,啾咪~

br3b0202/17 16:28然後三砲不上,馬刺就沒人可以投外線了,雙星會被夾死,

br3b0202/17 16:28所以三砲一定要上,都怪雙星沒三分

blackdevil02/17 17:32事實上對手根本不在乎馬可跟福有沒有投進三分XD

dogville02/17 17:39老波當然甩不了 只是說這個鍋在簽約時就製好了

dogville02/17 17:41現在開始還再講拉空間的不是反串就該去看醫生了

Parker02/17 18:14對手應該會避免進攻的時候,讓馬福犯規,不然讓馬福有犯規

Parker02/17 18:14麻煩,他們就有麻煩了

anderson197902/17 21:36拉空間論者現在還找的到啊

gooff02/17 22:12好難過

minin4002/17 22:34POP就是個老番顛啊

KawhiHao02/17 22:42找得到啊~就連有些臉書上的寫手還會拿拉空間出來鬼扯勒

KawhiHao02/17 22:42XDD

WalkerLonnie02/18 01:38再噓一次,Pop浪費一個33歲有經驗的3D老將的人生到

WalkerLonnie02/18 01:38底是什麼意思,連個解釋都沒

a5496502/18 09:40老番顛了啦 支持不下去 DDR LMA全轉隊吧

leo75526902/19 17:59簽來幹嘛的?