[情報] Ime Udoka 去籃網

看板Spurs標題[情報] Ime Udoka 去籃網作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:3

Udoka spent seven years on Gregg Popovich's staff in San Antonio, and has interviewed for several head coaching jobs. He spent last season with Philadelphia. Jacque Vaughn is the Nets top assistant coach. Nash has built a strong stafffor his first season as head coach.



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c092294977410/30 22:03早就走了吧 看內文

ysiieternal10/30 22:13去年不是轉去76人 了

對他的印象一直都是馬刺,看來是我記錯了。 不過近年來馬刺體系真的被挖很多人,不論助教還是其他

※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 10/30/2020 22:16:15

spurs212010/30 22:29我想說怎麼會發在這裡XD

gn0204062510/30 23:17有一個說法就是因為巫毒卡的離開,馬刺這季的防守才會

gn0204062510/30 23:17這麼差,因為馬刺防守訓練1一直是他負責的

love150027410/31 00:23上季就退步了好嗎 只是沒想到這季還可以更爛

anderson197910/31 00:37Marks也是有他一套 搞一個馬刺太陽mix

PeterHenson10/31 09:55He spent last season with Philadelphia

driftcreator11/03 00:08你們家飛去ATL找Avdija實體試訓,有可能做向上交易

hydeless11/03 08:28以色列人很有可能鎖定前三順位了,這要向上包什麼?

hydeless11/03 08:32勇士如果沒有向下交易省稅的話,也有可能就選Avdija了