Fw: [新聞] Gabe:所有人都會從與Epic的競爭中受益

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Gabe Newell says 'everybody benefits' from competition with Epic

Conversations about the Epic Games Store often pivot on one central point of
contention: Is it fostering competition with Steam, or is its practice of
landing exclusive game releases "anti-consumer" because it keeps them from
being released on Steam, the platform of choice (or at least of habit) for
the majority of PC gamers? Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney believes it's the former—and so does Valve boss Gabe Newell, it turns out.

In an interview with Edge Magazine (via GamesRadar), Newell said that
"everybody benefits" from the competition in the long run, although it can berough getting there.

"Competition in game stores is awesome for everybody. It keeps us honest, it
keeps everybody else honest," Newell said. "But it's ugly in the short term.
You're like, 'Argh, they're yelling, they're making us look bad.' But in the
long term, everybody benefits from the discipline and the thoughtfulness it
means you have to have about your business by having people come in and
challenge you."

Interestingly, Newell said that it's not competition that bothers Valve, but
attempts to stamp it out. Newell referenced the Apple store, but the comment
could also be seen as a quiet shot against Epic, which very carefully curateswhat it allows on its store. Valve takes a completely opposite approach with
Steam, by allowing nearly unrestricted access to developers.

"We get a lot more freaked out not by competition, but by people trying to
preclude competition. If you ask us which is scarier, it's people falling in
love with Apple's model of controlling everything and having faceless
bureaucrats who get to keep your product from entering the market if they
don't want it to, or designing a store in a way that minimizes software's
value-add to experience and stuff like that."

While Newell didn't say that Epic directly spurred it to make Steam better,
2019 was a very active year for Valve. It launched the new Steam library
after years of work, Steam Remote Play and Remote Play Together, updated its
discovery tools and created Steam Labs to try out even more experimental
stuff, and did more behind-the-scenes for developers.

Competition notwithstanding, Steam continues to roll along as far and away
the big dog in the digital storefront pack: Earlier this week, with people
kept home by the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, it set a new record by
surpassing 20 million concurrent users, with 6.2 million of the in game.


Steam的老闆 Gabe Newell 在接受 Edge Magazine 的訪談時提到了他對Epic的看法,也能看出他的理念。


In an interview with Edge Magazine (via GamesRadar), Newell said that
"everybody benefits" from the competition in the long run, although it can berough getting there.

在Edge Magazine的訪談中 (藉由 GamesRadar),Newell 說長期來看在競爭之中「大家都會受益」,儘管要達到這程度可能很艱難。

"Competition in game stores is awesome for everybody. It keeps us honest, it
keeps everybody else honest," Newell said. "But it's ugly in the short term.
You're like, 'Argh, they're yelling, they're making us look bad.' But in the
long term, everybody benefits from the discipline and the thoughtfulness it
means you have to have about your business by having people come in and
challenge you."

「遊戲商店之間的競爭對每個人來說都很棒。這讓我們保持誠實,也讓每個人都保持誠實。」 Newell 這樣說道。「但在短期來看這是醜陋的。你可能會這樣看﹝阿,他們一直大吼大叫,他們讓我們看起來很壞。﹞但長期來看,每個人都將受益,從你必需讓人們更加了解和挑戰你的業務時所帶來的紀律和體貼中受益。」

Interestingly, Newell said that it's not competition that bothers Valve, but
attempts to stamp it out. Newell referenced the Apple store, but the comment
could also be seen as a quiet shot against Epic, which very carefully curateswhat it allows on its store. Valve takes a completely opposite approach with
Steam, by allowing nearly unrestricted access to developers.

有趣的是,Newell認為對Vavle造成煩擾的不是競爭,而是試著滅絕它。Newell 提及了

"We get a lot more freaked out not by competition, but by people trying to
preclude competition. If you ask us which is scarier, it's people falling in
love with Apple's model of controlling everything and having faceless
bureaucrats who get to keep your product from entering the market if they
don't want it to, or designing a store in a way that minimizes software's
value-add to experience and stuff like that."





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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/21/2020 12:44:48

sendicmimic03/21 12:48然後打死不做Half Life 3

ssarc03/21 12:51人都是懶惰的

ssarc03/21 12:51點同意就可以搞定多開心

kooyoo114403/21 13:11中肯 玩家廠商都得利

DendiQ03/21 13:47epic 是不是偷塞 gabe 錢

reallurker03/21 13:49重點 G胖認為真正的敵手是App store會摧毀玩家的意識

reallurker03/21 13:49摧毀開放的產業

andy048103/21 13:52他肯定的只有競爭的部分阿 但也反對"完全控制一切"玩法

qwe7897103/21 13:55Epic 不愧被評價為2019年優秀公司之一

s857367303/21 13:56shut up and take my money HL3 please QQ

mothertime03/21 14:04開放式競爭跟完全控制本就互相背離

sumarai03/21 14:11開始抵制G胖,這人居然幫epic講話

zeroiori03/21 14:51蘋果的模式。即為完全控制一切,還有者不露面的官僚把控

zeroiori03/21 14:52把控者你的產品能不能進入市場

zeroiori03/21 14:53雖然我覺得蘋果的使用者應該沒有想過這些層面拉

BlackCC03/21 15:25G胖:我的平台用戶多,爽抽幾成就是幾成

r8527060703/21 15:25這也能扯到egs加分 果然文盲是幸福的

Gowther03/21 15:25最神奇的是如果你在版上說跟G胖一樣的話,你會被噓。

Gowther03/21 15:26因為這些我就說過。

Gowther03/21 15:26啊本來就是事實。

Gowther03/21 15:27還有啊一個不用epic的人一直轉epic的新聞,究竟是什麼企

Gowther03/21 15:27圖啊?

r8527060703/21 15:29瘋法一直都這樣好幾年 你應該不只一次問過這個

r8527060703/21 15:29不過 這篇不是採訪G胖嗎 瘋法會轉很正常吧

Porops03/21 15:31就算不用他的發展也會影響到整個遊戲業界,關注很正常吧,

Porops03/21 15:31還是有人覺得不碰他就都不會被影響了

andy048103/21 15:49版上說競爭是好事 沒問題啊 但是說epic是良好競爭或是說

andy048103/21 15:49掌控廠商的商法才是棒棒之類的 被噓不用意外好嗎

bbqomfg03/21 15:50別跟PCGamer一樣 沒提到epic還一直把帽子扣上去作標題

wenliao91203/21 16:11這版就蒸粉版吼 被噓有啥意外

w316082803/21 16:17蒸氣粉結果狂酸G胖…

tsairay03/21 16:31g胖對於蘋果還比較感冒,但對於epic的競爭沒太大反感

w316082803/21 16:40競爭可以各憑本事阿,蘋果就是上帝,要你死只能躺著等

Korsechi03/21 16:45不怕競爭 討厭的是那些獨佔跟平台決定是否讓你參與競爭

wizardfizban03/21 16:46??? 我貼個Gabe訪談也不成?

evolution86203/21 17:02會酸獨佔的腦子不知道在想什麼

evolution86203/21 17:03世界各國不知道多少企業都是獨佔 不差Epic一家

katana8903/21 17:04大概就放馬過來 恁爸等你!

LordSo03/21 17:07我看不出貼這有啥問題就是了 不過這篇主體根本不是epic的

LordSo03/21 17:07新聞 我不太理解推文想表達啥

andy048103/21 17:08又在一鍋端了 早早投資獨佔沒人嘴 嘴了也是被嗆丟臉 明

andy048103/21 17:08明罵的是上市前投錢逼站邊跟小廠想上被逼獨佔才給上

wizardfizban03/21 17:10有人獨佔 和 獨佔不好 是兩回事吧!

dkfs78903/21 17:21推EPIC

j0285003/21 17:23STEAM版是蒸粉版有什麼問題嗎? 不喜歡你去開epic個版啊

abc5532203/21 17:29吼Gabe一杯嘎逼

qq20403/21 17:43epic一直出現在這邊我還覺得礙眼 = =

vandervaal03/21 17:49推G胖

pekka03/21 17:51好像沒把epic放在眼裡

massrelay03/21 19:26價格可以自由讓市場選擇,但獨佔???

rhox03/21 19:42別嘴了,好像Sony、MS、apple沒有獨占,雙標仔

aa147788803/21 19:43結論:G胖果黑

rhox03/21 19:45抓到,G胖epic粉

aa147788803/21 19:47Valve態度很清楚 競爭沒問題 但市場要開放 舉例來說蘋

aa147788803/21 19:47果就是完全封閉的專制政府 什麼能賣什麼不能賣 蘋果說

aa147788803/21 19:47了算 即便有規則還是會被因為一些大人的理由而下架 例

aa147788803/21 19:47如最近有個加密輸入法就是這樣

wake0103/21 20:09但是steam對色色遊戲的標準...

lpdpCossette03/21 20:16但是除去專門代理商外, 西方公開商業遊戲平台裡

lpdpCossette03/21 20:17steam已經是最多日本色色遊戲的地方...

mothertime03/21 20:32最多的是日本平台吧

mothertime03/21 20:32喔沒看到是說西方平台

a2396278703/21 20:47epic什麼時候要創版啊,要競爭就不要整天蹭別人平台人

a2396278703/21 20:47氣好不好

articlebear03/21 22:23大概EPIC版開了 裡面除了限免以外也沒有別的文章吧XD

ZMTL03/21 22:26其實西方死標準就是碰到未成年(校園)的部分會有問題,這

ZMTL03/21 22:26點Steam也不可能繞得過去的,但CM3D2、拿掉學園劇情的戀活

ZMTL03/21 22:26、AI少女,其實要上也上了不少

markhbad5403/21 22:43競爭當然是好的,但就怕競爭者是壞人

playerlin03/21 22:50拿Apple來講其實也很正常啊...雖然黑化的廠商不只有

playerlin03/21 22:50apple而已...*攤手*

ssarc03/22 01:21老實說,你steam審查下架一堆日本作品有啥資格好説嘴的

APM9903/22 02:31還好是外國人談蘋果 不然被噓爆

wizardfizban03/22 05:38Steam己經是歐美平台中對色情最寬的了

wizardfizban03/22 05:39歐美那就對未成年很敏感 Steam可是天天被某些團體盯

s801857203/22 06:05qwe還在捧 zz

s801857203/22 06:06獨佔不缺epic 但獨佔他媽是最噁的壟斷

s801857203/22 06:07看到那些獨佔平臺 我都快吐了

inyoureyes03/22 08:28某q硬要捧到像反串也是很好笑

nlriey03/22 10:09跑到steam版說這裡是蒸粉版,這是有什麼問題嗎...

wizardfizban03/22 10:36這讓我想到曾在政黑看到有人筆戰到罵別人可以不要那

wizardfizban03/22 10:36麼熱衷政治嗎?

ksng109203/22 10:37使用者不盡然是粉啊...

kaj198303/22 10:38反正你罵我我罵你,這在遊戲版已經常態了

ksng109203/22 10:43所以並沒有"steam版本來就應該是蒸粉版"這種事

wizardfizban03/22 11:06你這調點和偶像個人板的用戶不一定都喜歡那偶像一樣

wizardfizban03/22 11:07 論點

ksng109203/22 11:13拿偶像來比...到底是哪裡搞錯了...

ksng109203/22 11:14而且steam版也不是steam個人版,早就可以討論各種商城了

ksng109203/22 11:15甚至還有曾經有人貼家機獨佔遊戲的新聞咧XD

wizardfizban03/22 11:16沒搞錯呀 搞錯的是你 可以討論別的東西和這本就是

wizardfizban03/22 11:16Steam專板是兩回事好嘛

wizardfizban03/22 11:17人家的專板罵板上都是人家的粉絲? 不覺得很怪嗎?

ksng109203/22 11:19專版是以前的事吧,現在只是名字沒改

wizardfizban03/22 11:20以前的事? 你是不是沒看過板規..去看第一條

ksng109203/22 11:20什麼商城都能討論,實際上現在還是專版嗎...

wizardfizban03/22 11:21所以你有沒有去看第一條寫啥....

ksng109203/22 11:22而且平台專版跟偶像個版到底有什麼可以拉在一起比的...

ksng109203/22 11:22有幾個偶像個版會寫"基於(略)所以其他各種偶像也(略

wizardfizban03/22 11:23那換個說法 你這和去政黑罵板友太熱衷政治一樣

wizardfizban03/22 11:23又或著說 去C洽罵大家都動漫迷一樣

ksng109203/22 11:25這樣子比喻更...回到起點,使用者都會是粉嗎?

wizardfizban03/22 11:26舉了三個例子你還不懂哦.....

kaj198303/22 11:28他想說的是這裡掛了steam招牌就別白目找steam的麻煩

kaj198303/22 11:29不管你是不是steam使用者還是粉,總之找steam麻煩就不對

kaj198303/22 11:30總之這裡要討論什麼都可以,就是不能說steam壞話

wizardfizban03/22 11:34也不到不能說壞話的程度 而是說一些純挑釁的話

ksng109203/22 11:39steam是一個商城平台,來到這個版討論的人可以是只對某

ksng109203/22 11:40幾個遊戲有熱愛而他是在steam上面買而已,他對steam本身

ksng109203/22 11:40沒有感情,這樣也要被列為蒸粉嗎...

wizardfizban03/22 11:42哈囉 不要陷入自己的妄想 你看看上面在說啥

ksng109203/22 11:43用了某個平台某家服務就是粉也太離譜了

wizardfizban03/22 11:43上面說的是 跑來steam板罵別人都蒸粉是有啥毛病

ksng109203/22 11:43我是在討論這個"使用者不盡然是粉"這回事咩

ksng109203/22 11:44啊你應該是不同意這句話才會這樣回吧,難道我誤會了(驚

wizardfizban03/22 11:46明明是在說 去人家專板罵板上都粉絲是有啥毛病

wizardfizban03/22 11:47你在那扯的確不是人人都粉絲??

wizardfizban03/22 11:47這還不夠莫名其妙呀!

colenken03/22 23:53之前一堆蒸粉在那裡辯epic對玩家沒幫助 g胖打臉笑死

vinc8103/23 13:29Epic和Steam的價格競爭對玩家有幫助,但是Epic平台除了賣

vinc8103/23 13:29遊戲之外的增值服務目前都比不上Steam也是事實,像是收藏

vinc8103/23 13:29庫分類、討論區、工作坊、遊戲評分等方面。

Dante603/24 10:38epic仔又在氣pupu了,怎麼不快點再去連署epic版阿?這麼不

Dante603/24 10:38爽steam還來這