Fw: [新聞] Factorio賣出250萬套 計劃推出擴展包

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Factorio Sales Cross 2.5 Million, Expansion Pack Planned

Wube Software recently released update 1.1 for Factorio, its highly-rated
factory builder on PC, and it’s served to add a number of quality of life
features. This includes a revamped GUI for trains, allowing Spidertrons to
follow each other and the frequently-requested Blueprint Flip. What’s next
for the studio though?

In a new blog post, it noted that the 1.1 release was the final update for
the base game. “It will be maintained, so bugfixes, simple modding interface
additions, or minor tweaks can happen, but that’s about it.”

In discussing various ways that Factorio could be extended, it eventually
settled on an expansion pack. Currently, it’s “too early to show any of the
plans, and since we want to keep the iterative process of expanding things
that prove to be the most fun, the plan is quite loose anyway.” In terms of
when it can be expected to release, Wube Software says it won’t take “less
than a year to develop.”

Finally, the developer announced that Factorio has sold over 2.5 million
copies till date. From its crowd-funding campaign in 2013 to launching for
early access in 2016, it’s been a long journey for the title. Version 1.0
launched last year and included a number of major new additions, including
the aforementioned Spidertrons. As for what the expansion will entail, stay
tuned for more details in the coming days.







「基隆?」本資費像個被嚇呆的貓頭鷹,對著哈普羅猛眨眼睛。「好主意!聽說那裡的夜巿不錯── 」


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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 02/06/2021 08:02:04

Deltak02/06 08:29精神時光屋

taco2002/06 09:36把 Krastorio 2 和 Space Exploration內建就行了

kme683329102/06 09:36現在1.1了嗎?

mikijones02/06 09:46還不買爆

a0515070702/06 09:481.1.0了 教學改進不少

Dannyx02/06 09:52之前不是說有衛星平台之類的東西?變DLC了?

r9819202/06 10:15確定永遠不會特價?

davidiid02/06 10:17其實特價過,25%off

davidiid02/06 10:17但超級稀有

metallican02/06 10:24這款絕對不能玩 好幾個禮拜就渾渾噩噩過去了 太毒了

SahoYaho02/06 10:38人生唯一一款一玩就連續玩了10小時沒動過

scores02/06 10:45這超好玩 不輸rim

IS5F556602/06 10:50過年期間千萬不要碰這個遊戲

BHrabal02/06 10:58當初聽到要調漲就買了 結果放超過一年沒玩

phoebi02/06 11:20當然是要過年買來玩啊 然後就又過年了WWW

DaYehNO102/06 12:34這個真的好神

Kenqr02/06 13:08Expansion Pack 通常翻成資料片吧

Hateson02/06 13:16火車號誌不會用....

justicebb02/06 14:02嗯,我為什麼穿越到2021了

pHyrz02/06 14:37再開一局,眨眼說話的擴展資料片就會出了

RaiGend051902/06 15:11玩到後來知道路該怎麼走就很簡單了

RaiGend051902/06 15:12總覺得Satisfactory應該要弄個平面工程模式,不然3D

RaiGend051902/06 15:12建造大規模工廠超累,Factorio就好多了

thedogwoof02/06 15:23過年千萬別玩

thedogwoof02/06 15:23一下子假就放完了

HailHydra02/06 19:57真的好玩 跟朋友開伺服器都玩到兩三點

cbahsasn725002/06 19:57看火車自己跑真療癒

andyeva02/07 06:03過年一開 一下年就過了 XDDD

ppsc02/07 17:04上班顧生產線,下班繼續顧生產線

p2p8ppp02/07 21:16真D好玩

dreaminc02/08 08:42是rim輸好嗎

cat05joy02/08 15:15不想看到蟲 所以沒碰過這款 阿 舒爽

waynechen25103/17 13:20樓上

waynechen25103/17 13:20有選項可以調整無蟲族