Re: [其他] 陽明一月營收開獎

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FBX Weekly: Rates climb as China’s factories stay open
By: AJOT | Feb 17 2021 at 08:00 AM | Maritime News | Liner Shipping

China-US ocean rates are climbing as China’s manufacturing stays open over
the Lunar New Year holiday. Rates to the US West Coast increased 6%, and are
up 22% since the end of the year. Asia-North Europe climbed 6% to a new high
of $8,455/FEU.

Air cargo rates Asia to the US are also increasing as factories are open to
meet demand, with marketplace data showing a 5% climb this weekand 50% increase since the end of January.

China-US rates:

China-US West Coast prices (FBX01 Daily) increased 6% to $4,709/FEU. This
rate is 218% higher than the same time last year.
China-US East Coast prices (FBX03 Daily) climbed 3% to $5,658/FEU, and are
exactly double the rate for this week last year.

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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mpppppp 02/18 09:45幫各位翻譯:利多出盡

oplk 02/18 09:4540呎的運價還滿夯der嘛

Mankind69 02/18 09:47Increase、higher,畫重點亮燈就空

XoPXoP 02/18 09:47By: AJOT | Jan 12 2021 at 11:01 AM | Maritime

iamneptune 02/18 09:48運價崩崩

mpppppp 02/18 09:49一個月前的文章 壞壞

cafein 02/18 09:50已反應

※ 編輯: XoPXoP ( 臺灣), 02/18/2021 09:53:05

Biatch5566 02/18 09:56嗯嗯果然跟我想的一樣

SiaoBen1996 02/18 10:04快推以免被人發現看不懂

kuroro94 02/18 10:13it is a ship, ship is very high, high is very go

kuroro94 02/18 10:13od

auron4041 02/18 10:16可以空了

cutem06 02/18 10:20I'm fine,thank you.

GaryCrawford02/18 10:24我翻譯一下 就是 美西線 下跌6%

GaryCrawford02/18 10:25歐洲線 也下跌6% 來到這陣子最低價

god80309 02/18 10:43一個月前

piyieen 02/18 10:50all in

skyringcha 02/18 11:14要空的對帳單呢

xpsecret 02/18 12:04懶人包:中國工廠復工開始出貨到歐美,運價維持高

xpsecret 02/18 12:04

PPP1 02/18 12:17樓上是不是有人在騙人看不懂英文啊 美西increased

PPP1 02/18 12:17 6%, 歐洲climbed 6%明明都是漲6% = =

taike 02/18 12:19gary大大是??

visviva 02/18 12:21推文壞人多,自己判斷

stanleyiane 02/18 12:28運價不都已反應嗎??? 本益比最多就3倍 又是景氣

stanleyiane 02/18 12:28循環股 再多利多都沒用啦~ 還是這是2022年的文章xd

stanleyiane 02/18 12:28d

atashinchi 02/18 12:32好壞 但我喜歡

lostt 02/18 12:34謝謝分享

poorcharles 02/18 12:46My pen is good

Detonate 02/18 13:10我看也是增加啊,怎麼會看成下跌的

Detonate 02/18 13:10要當壞人也不是這樣

fashilu 02/18 13:11騙船票阿

wallace7073 02/18 13:16

圖, Re: [其他] 陽明一月營收開獎

ggchou 02/18 13:37阿鬼,你還是講中文吧!

eddie200382 02/18 15:06推文反著看 策略反著做

littenVenus 02/18 15:56XD

littenVenus 02/18 15:58隨中國年後工廠復工 運價上升

littenVenus 02/18 16:00明天公布的scfi應該會上升