[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/16-01/22
Pursuing a goal or taking on a project that you feel a bit insecure about could be a wonderful experience. It could challenge you, inspire you, build your confidence, and create situations where you will meet new and interesting people. Even though you may not feel like you can handle this admirably - and especially because of that - you need to take it on, dear Taurus. This week, get started. Gather what you need, including resources and connections for guidanceand support, and get going. A serious conflict, and perhaps a parting of the ways, may have occurred because of a disagreement that happened some time ago.This particular matter may have begun with a minor misunderstanding or an argument that had little significance or resonance. Now, though, there does not seem to be a path back to the relationship as it was. But perhaps there is. This week, you may have an opening to start healing that old wound and rebuildingthe foundation you once had with this individual. Don't miss this chance. Youmay have to think on your feet late in the week, making a decision without much time to think about it. Once you have a feeling about what you should do, don't question it and don't doubt it. You are far more capable than you sometimes recognize. Give yourself the credit you deserve.
Think on (sb’s) feet 隨機應變;思維敏捷
[情報] 29/03~04/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may have the chance this week to mull over a recent conversation or situation that left you a bit baffled. It may have included some odd behavior on the part of someone you know. Give yourself some quiet time to think about it, and by repeating a conversation in your mind, some things should become clear. This will help you see things in a more positive and6
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 06 2022 你會以懷疑的態度面對一個最近來到你身邊的機會, 你可能會覺得它很弱或時機是錯誤的, 或你並不喜歡其中某些事。 摩摩,因為這些原因,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/16現在你的生活可能發生了一些事,這使你有點緊張,阿牛。這跟你必須開始實施的改變有 關,而你現在可能非常懷疑它。一開始這感覺是個很正確的好主意。但現在你相當擔心且 關切它。不要擔心!讓它顯露。對你開啟的事物要有信心。給它一個機會證明自己。你可 能很緊張,因為最近其他事都沒有成功,但你應該要對這件事有信心,讓它發揮出來吧。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/02如果你有些必須做卻不想做的事,你可能會找一百個藉口去避開它。也許你會拖到另一天 ,或把它丟給別人做,儘管你知道這是自己的責任,就是這些組成了拖延症。但這不會讓 你滿意,阿牛,因為你是個相當有責任感的人。如果今天你認為有可能的話,就把該做的 事寫成時間表,採取最簡單的步驟吧。用這種方式看見今天該做的事也許會更加激勵你, 然後你就能從你的清單中檢查出這些麻煩的任務了。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/28不要急於回答一個你還在思考的問題,阿牛。即便可能有人逼迫你做出回答,你也需要好 好思考。如果你覺得有壓力的話,直截了當地把問題丟回去吧。讓對方知道你需要再多花 一些時間考慮,不需要為此而難過。即使你已經考慮了這件事的所有細節,但可能仍需要 時間來處理你的想法和點子。 ——