[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/03
Today you might feel a little methodical in your approach towards life due tothe presence of the Moon in Sagittarius, according to Taurus daily horoscope . You might find yourself all over the place in terms of what you want from life, but it will only push you to be more focused and productive. Astroyogi astrologers suggest you look at every aspect of your life carefully before makinga decision so that there are no missed opportunities. Your lucky color for today is green, and 6 pm to 7:30 pm is a good time for you to undertake any new tasks.
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope for 04/25&26有些在你生活中的人令你憤怒。儘管你可能愛著他們,但他們仍會使用一種別人不曾做過 的方式來影響你。在這些關係中產生怒火時,可能會讓你非常沮喪,並且讓你的一天蒙上 一層陰影。親愛的阿牛,如果你現在正在處理一個麻煩的人物,不需要跟他一般見識,只 要調整你的音量讓他漸漸消失就好。當你接受他的刺激時,只會讓事情變得更糟。因此你 要做的事就是給那個人時間反思自己的行為有什麼問題。10
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 金牛座七月運勢在這個月份,你會感到有種強烈的需求來做某件重要的事,阿牛,這件事反映出你是什麼樣的人並且為何而生。麻煩的是,你不太確定那是什麼。如果你還沒去仔細思考這件事的話,找個人生教練談談,看看有沒有前輩可以幫忙,或是做一些啟發性的閱讀吧。你的人生目標是個大哉問,透過好好地計畫和研究,應該要跟其他你會想展開的冒險旅程一樣去探索一番。這是開始執行的完美月份。這也是整頓錢包的好時機。也許你天性如此,但是好還要更好,尤其是如果你想要去創造安心的未來的話。訂定一個預算是很好的開始,同時設立一個如何執行的時間表。這麼一來能夠給 你一個起頭的範圍。在你能力所及的範圍內,一個志工機會在這個月份將會到來。就算這對某些人或是團體來說非常有益,對你而言亦是超棒也超有價值的經驗,它甚至可能在日後變成你日常生活中的一部分呢。 Taurus horoscope for July You may feel a profound need this month to do something important, Taurus - something that is a pure reflection of who you are and what you are meant to do. The trouble is that you may not be quite sure what that is. If you haven't considered it yet, think about consulting with a life coach, seeking out a mentor, or doing some inspirational reading. Your purpose is truly a quest, and it should be taken on as you would take on any adventure - by starting with careful planning and research. This is the perfect month to do this. This is also a good time to get your finances in order. You may be naturally organized in this way, but there is always room for improvement, especially when you want to create a more secure future. Setting a budget is a good way to start, along with creating an agenda of your plans and how to achieve them. Having that in place will give you a framework to work from. An opportunity to volunteer in some capacity that engages one of your talents or interests may come to you this8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/25阿牛,某些有關金錢或個人利益的新機會可能會到來。然而,其中一個或複數個機會可能 會使你想在社交生活中所做的事黯然失色。你是否該把賺錢的機會放在一旁,以享受跟家 人朋友待在一起的時間?生活中真正的寶藏是你和他人的關係。而現在這些關係可能會和 財務的可能性發生碰撞。不過這次你可能會找到一個可能性去融合兩者,如果做得到的話 ,你的確該這麼做。也許生活中的某些時候,你終究能夠”擁有一切”。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 金牛座六月運勢金牛座2021年六月運勢 你應該將本月重點放在居家生活上,阿牛,而且你可能會想要花比平常更多的時間在社區活動。你將會發現你對於發生在自家還有社區周遭人與人之間的連結感到非常有興趣,並且你也會開始在附近飲酒作樂並張開眼睛看看他們還能夠提供些什麼。如果你本來想搬家到別的地方去,你或將改變主意。你可能會發現在自己的生活圈外有更多事物等待著你。也許一直以來,有一件私事是你無法單獨解決的,而且它有可能會帶給你情緒上的重擔。在這個六月裡,它恐怕更加困擾著你,這就顯示出你真的需要好好地跟某人談談,無論是一個你信任的朋友、家庭成員,抑或是來自專家 的建議。一旦你著手去解決它就會變得很容易。如果你有個未竟的計畫,是時候去回過頭來完成它了。你在結束之後將會感到十分快活。 Taurus horoscope for June The emphasis for you this month should be on home, Taurus, and you may want to spend a lot more time in your local community than you usually do. You may find yourself taking a greater interest in what is going on in your home and neighborhood, and you may begin to revel in nearby places and start to see how much they have to offer you. If you had ideas about moving elsewhere, you may begin to change your mind. You may come to see that there is a great deal more for you to get out of your local life.4
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。4
[情報] 12/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 06 2021 最近有個大任務強加在你身上,魔魔, 你可能會困惑自己能否全部處理好, 特別是你已經因為生活的其他部分感到過載。 試著不要一次思考全部的事情,3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/10你可以看見在影響著你和他人的某個環節裡,有個需要被補救的東西。然而,你可能是唯一對於做出正面改變有興趣的人。應該在沒有任何人在乎的時候去做出貢獻嗎?阿牛,這完全由你決定,如果你為之付出,請不要挾帶著悔意或其他的負面情緒。一旦你為大家做出如此高貴的舉動,他們會懂,也會為其無所作為感到抱歉。反之,如果摻了負面能量在裡頭,那麼你將不會同樣地豐收。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 10 You can see something that needs to be fixed in an area that not only affects you, but also other people in your life. However, you may be the only one who is interested in making a positive change. Should you go ahead and do so if no one else wants to contribute? That is certainly up to you, Taurus, but if you do so, do so without resentment or other negative sentiment. It is likely that once you do the noble thing for everyone, they will understand and feel bad about their inaction. But if you do so with a negative charge, you won't reap the same big benefits. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/26金牛座每日運勢 2021/05/26 某件跟錢有關的事物可能會在今天浮上你心頭,阿牛,而你可能會為此而感到焦慮。 這不是因為它可能會變得很糟糕,千萬別這麼想。 會這樣的原因也許是因為你的直覺正在正常發揮 ,並讓你知道這並不是執行計畫的最佳時機。1
[情報] 03/14 the daily horoscopeWhen you feel resentful about the hand that life has dealt you, you may close yourself off to the good things that come out of whatever has occurred. Wallow ing in resentment takes you to a dark and dreary place where you don't even no tice the chances that are coming your way. Today, Gemini, try to climb out of an angry groove. While it may feel as though a recent happening was akin to pu- 巨蟹座4月18日星期二的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你現在可能會感到感傷,腦海中浮現出許多令人難以忘懷的回憶。 你可能渴望過往更美好的時光,因為此時此刻的生活中並沒有令人溫馨舒適的部分。 你可能會懷念過去的人或經歷,但這會影響你現在的一切。 請試著想想現在對你非常特別的事物,意識到這些事物 - 包括某些人 - 也帶給你同樣的