[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/10
Dear Taurus, you would feel confident and ecstatic with the Moon in Aries today. Your spirit reaches great heights, making you believe in yourself even more today. This gives you the confidence to make important decisions without hesitation. Therefore, focus on your decision-making abilities today and trust your natural instincts, recommend Astroyogi astrologers. Today, wear forest green for positive energy and vibes. Avoid scheduling any important work between 5:15 pm and 6:30 pm.
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/18你可能對即將開始的一項工作有著疑慮。在你向前邁進之前,感覺到不安全是很正常的, 這是種自我保護的表現。但你需要相信自己,並相信當有任何不該繼續的好理由時,你會 認知到這點,你會相當肯定它,而不只是覺得緊張。你已經感到有自信了,讓自己放心, 讓這種自信回歸吧,阿牛。 ——4
[情報] 2/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 19 2021 A sensitive soul may seek you out today for guidance or advice. While you are very good at giving direction because of your natural talent for seeing things from all angles, Capricorn, you might want to soften any harsh thoughts that might come to you. You can accomplish a lot more today by4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/15自我懷疑動機和決定確實是明智之舉。在做出更多的投入以及採取實際行動之前,這對於重新檢視你所考量著的是很好的方法。不過,當這變成一個習慣,而不是邏輯性思考之下的產物時,這可以開始吞噬你的自信,瓦解自己很有實力,並且好東西是為你而生的信念。如果你在今天發現自我懷疑的太多了,阿牛,退一步並去認知到你已經打好了基礎,而現在,你必須自信地向前邁進。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 15 Questioning your motives and your choices can be a wise thing to do. It is a great way to review what you are considering before making a commitment or taking concrete steps. But when this becomes a habit rather than the result of a logical process, it can start to erode your faith in yourself and your belief that you are very capable and that good things are meant for you. If you find yourself questioning yourself too much today, Taurus, step back and recognize that you have already done the groundwork, and now you must proceed with confidence. --2
[情報] 0804 DailyHoroscopeYou might feel like a powerhouse today, Capricorn. You are confident, courageo us, and well-spoken. Yes, this is true not just today, but actually, most of t he time for you; however, today you might feel especially emblazoned with thes e attributes. So, how can this day be different from every other day because o f this? Well, it won't be necessarily. To make this day different, you need to1
[情報] 3/2 Daily HorosocpeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 2 2021 If you could stop thinking about and looking for the person to blame for a recent disappointment, you might find a way to turn it around. Although it might feel natural to want to know who is to blame and why, it isn't very productive in this particular situation, Capricorn. Instead, you need to pour1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/02你絕對已經接受過以下訊息,阿牛,但值得再重複一次:相信你的直覺。就這麼簡單。你可能正在歷經學習、考核、探索的過程,並且正在考慮各種關於你在進行的某件事的可能性,但它取決於你是怎麼想整件事的。如果感覺對了,但且謹慎地信任它。相反地,如果感覺不對,去想一下原因,並相信它。你的直覺比你所知道的更前所未有的強烈。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 2 You have most definitely received this message before, Taurus, but it bears repeating today: trust your gut. It really is that simple. You may be in the process of studying, examining, exploring, and considering a wide range of possibilities for something you are embarking on, but what it really comes down to is how you feel about all of it. If something feels right, be cautious but trust it. And likewise, if something feels wrong, figure out why, and trust that too. Your instincts are now sharper than you realize. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/12親愛的阿牛,一個簡單的小技巧可以幫助你在今天避免衝突。你可能不得不跟一個讓你不 爽的人合作,也可能已經預見了你們之間的衝突,或許你已經預期到最壞的結果了。但如 果你在開口前先安靜的想想自己想說出口的話,就可以避免自己說出一些挑起衝突的話語 。你真的不希望今天發生任何衝突,對嗎?當你這樣做之後,每當你的腦中出現憤怒的想 法時,你就能夠為自己創造一個更快樂也更充實的一天。- 說話有權威、有說服力的人可以給別人灌輸一種被誤導的自信感。 我們傾向於相信那些看起來相信自己所說的話的人。 這就是演員如何在我們看電影時讓我們懸念重重的原因。 今天要小心那些在某些事情上表現得自信和專業的人,他們可能真的理解,也可能不理解 。
- You may be feeling a bit tired today, dear Gemini, which is unusual for your h igh energy. You have an industrious spirit, and even when fatigued, you aren't one to just stop and relax. But there are things you can do today that will g ive both your mind and your body a chance to slow down, even while you are acc omplishing things. Choose a project you can do by yourself at your leisure, wi
- 月之子,你對自己有信心嗎? 你相信自己的能力,無論你承擔什麼工作都能做得很好嗎? 你相信自己有能力做出好的決定嗎? 如果你不相信,這可能就是為什麼最近的一個選擇不是最棒的。 然而,你確實有一個良好的頭腦和邏輯思維方式-儘管你也有直覺和深刻的情感。