[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/29
Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jul 29
You have a feeling that something you are working on that you have hopes for is going to work out for you in an exceptionally positive way. Call it a vibe; call it intuition, but whatever it is, you feel - or should feel - certain of success. You are picking up good things, and that's as it should be. But don't stop there, Taurus. You need to make sure that you also fully understand all that you are doing so that you can convey your faith to others. Even though you "know" it - they don't. Come up with a
concrete way to get others to believe, and you can have even bigger success.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/16親愛的阿牛,事情正在朝著好的方向發展,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。也許你無法確 定具體會發生什麼變化,但你應該對你的生活與未來有種正向的預感。然而,你是個眼見 為憑的人,你通常會需要證據來證實一些事物。試著用信念代替吧,你的驗證只是種為了 讓自己放心而產生的良好感覺而已。但你的確正朝著正確的方向前進著。 ———14
[情報] 7/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 27 2021 You can't always know when you are on the verge of a breakthrough. You may feel exhausted. You may be mentally and emotionally drained. Your prospects may look bleak. And yet, you can be right on the precipice of success. This is something that is always important to keep in mind, but it is especially6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/14Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 14 很久以前,你就是你犯的某些錯誤的法官和陪審團。你可能仍在責怪自己,儘管你可能還沒意識到,牛牛——你還在懲罰自己。你可能是因為潛意識否認自己應得的東西才會這樣。 但你已經為了那個錯誤付出懺悔,你應該自由地去接受一些好的且正向的東西來到你的生命中。不過,如果你覺得你不該獲得這些,那(好事)就不會發生。你真的需要改變你的觀點。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 145
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/24如果你沒有自己獲得資訊,就無法確認某人說的是否是正確的。因此你只能照著他們說的 去做,對吧?但其實並不是這樣的。只要你不被其他因素影響的話,你也可以用觀察力跟 直覺來指引自己。假如你覺得他人說的不是實話,做你該做的來把事情弄清楚。如果你覺 得不舒服了,這就是你需要進一步調查的訊號,阿牛。 ———4
[情報] 05/01/2022 Daily Horoscope任何事情的成功,事業、關係、創意項目-都可能與好運氣和好時機有很大關係。 但不要低估努力工作和獻身精神對成功的更大價值。 你可能害怕開始新的事情,因為你已經對它感到無望的態度。 月之子,你可能覺得現在運氣和時機都不在你身邊,但這其實是最不重要的。 如果你決心要成功,你最終會成功的,這需要你現在的關注。3
[情報] 05/18 the daily horoscopeTrying something that you are not sure you can do is not a guarantee of succes s. But not trying is a guarantee of failure. And when you try, you have at lea st a chance of success. Today, Gemini, your chance of success with something n ew is very good - even if it is something you don't feel confident about. So, if you are thinking that you shouldn't even bother, think about it again. Tryi3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/10有一項安排對你來說可能並不順利,儘管對他人來說這可能是非常棒的安排。或許很難去 跟別人解釋你為什麼不滿意,阿牛,但不要放棄。在這種情況下,你需要說出來,因為你 和其他人一樣有權利讓自己舒服。它可能只是一個需要描述的問題,以便讓其他人能夠站 在你的立場。讓他們感受你正在經歷的事,你所需要的改變就有可能發生。 ———2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/01阿牛,你可能會覺得現在全世界都在跟你作對,即使只是你生活圈裡的人不同意或不支持 你而已。畢竟那就是你的世界。如果你在一件別人都不同意或不支持你的事感到很有把握 時,這一切都是根據你多相信自己。如果別人正在動搖你的信心時,或許他們有著很好的 理由。今天花些時間來評估這點吧。 ———1
[情報] 06/25 the daily horoscopePeople who believe that you can achieve what you want through the power of you r mind would tell you that to do so, you must believe you have already attaine d what you want. This is good advice because it puts you in the right mindset. You do have a powerful mind, Gemini, and if there is something you wish to ma nifest, you can certainly achieve it with the help of positive reinforcement.- 在本週前半段,你的思緒可能會陷入一個社交的泥潭裡,阿牛。但你需要讓自己放鬆點, 因為這並不像你想的那樣是個大問題。 有人可能會對你曾說過的話或做過的事過度反應,但他們需要讓它過去。在他們那麼做之 前,只要等待塵埃落定,這件事就會被他們所遺忘。你需要和家裡的某人進行一次重要的 談話,可能是你的伴侶,但更可能是你的兄弟姐妹,甚至是你的父母。你應該會對一項你