[吃草] DH每日運勢台語版 9/11
Taurus horoscope for 星期六 9月 11
If you went to the movie theater and the darkness and isolation of the theat
er lulled you into sleep, you might wake up at the end of the movie complete
ly disoriented. Even if you intently watched that final act, you might not g
rasp the whole meaning of the movie and that would be a shame. While this ob
vious example may describe something you would not do, Taurus, you may be do
ing something similar now with an experience you see as not important. You a
re figuratively sleeping through part of a process, or just disregarding its
importance - but it is important. Do your best to catch up before it's too
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[情報] 17/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen a movie has a happy ending - such as a seemingly star-crossed pair of lovers winding up together, or an underdog finally becoming a champion - we leave the theater with a sense of warmth and satisfaction. You may feel that an experience you have been going through has been dramatic enough to be a movie, but it's real life. You may be hoping for a happy and1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/30當自己正在面臨一連串的難題時,看一部要角們都在經歷著各種花式麻煩與慌亂的電影,對你而言可以說是滿特別的體驗。那是因為在絕大多數的電影裡,有開頭,有中段,通常還有帶來寧靜與皆大歡喜的美滿結局。那可以在你死命掙扎時帶來滿滿的希望。儘管最近有個爛攤子可能沒辦法完美的了結,但至少可以好好的結束。天助自助者,寶貝阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday May 30 Watching a movie where the characters experience a lot of trouble and turmoil can be a very special experience when you are going through problems of your own. That's because in most movies, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end - and usually, the happy ending brings peace and closure by wrapping things up nicely. That can fill you with hope when you are struggling. Although a current drama of yours may not have such a neat ending, it will end well. Have faith in that to see you through, dear Taurus. --- 「小時候父母師長總會告訴我們 吃得苦中苦、方為人上人」 「台灣比起歐美先進 或是亞洲前列國家 如日、韓 物質經濟上還有很大的差距」 因為你攏欲佮上好的比 你欲做人上人 這攏是你這篇家己講的
[問卦] 眾生攏睏去的烏暗暝 恬靜的世界中只賰我明明就忝甲 是按怎無欲睏 因為佇日時 貢獻了青春 只好做一个 time magician 半暝仔家己耍甲 3點27分 我嘛毋是刁工無想欲歇睏