[吃草] Monthly Horoscope 2022/03
Monthly Horoscope for March
This can be a great month for networking in all capacities, dear Taurus. If you can get out and about with social enthusiasm, you can meet some interestingpeople for collaboration with your work but also for friendships. You are probably eager now to be a bit more sociable, so the timing is perfect. Make it happen. A plan you had to put on hold, perhaps as long ago as late last year, may spring back to life in March. This may come about because resources will become available, so you will need to take advantage of the moment and seize theopportunity right away. You can make financial improvements in your life now too by looking into better ways to save or invest, for guidance will become available. Your love life may heat up as well, but it will be about figuring outwhat you want as well as what you don't want in your relationship. Knowing this yourself is very important to having a connection that is meaningful and fulfilling. If you have been thinking a lot about traveling, this is a better month for making plans than actually going off on a spontaneous adventure. The better you plan, the more fun you will have. An award, an honor, or some other kind of recognition may come to you this month for an achievement you thought had been overlooked. Let this be just as meaningful to you as if it had come to you when you first had your success.
capacity 資格;能力;才能;
enthusiasm 熱心;熱忱
eager 渴望;熱切
seize 抓住;把握;支配;奪取
spontaneous 自發的;不由自主;本能的
[情報] DH 二月運Capricorn horoscope for February 2021 There is an idea you have been extremely excited about, Capricorn. This may be something you have thought a lot about since childhood. This may even be a certain dream that has captured your attention for a long time. But even though this has captivated you for so long, you may not have had the nerve to9
[吃草] Monthly Horoscope 2022/01這可能會是個有著大量社交活動的月份,阿牛。或許你讓自己的情感冬眠了,又或者你把 自己藏起來,只關心自己不得不做的事,也許你會開始感到有些沉悶,所以準備好出門走 走放鬆一下了。當你出現在某個場合,其他人就會被你身上的光芒吸引,你的社交生活可 能會迅速回升,又或許會遇見一個與你有著深層關係的新朋友。你可能也會發現自己的生 活習慣產生些許改變,因為你會更傾向於探索新的興趣,並放下不再對自己有利的舊模式7
[情報] 11/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 05 2021 你可能不斷在告訴自己延後處理某個義務或工作是錯誤的事, 即使你收到一個邀請或機會, 去做某些你知道會對你的靈魂有益的事, 你也會因為責任感而告訴自己要拒絕。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/22你已經習慣了一個困難的局面,以至於它看起來很普通。你可能曾想過要擺脫這個狀況, 阿牛,不論是實際的合約或是某種內疚造成的義務。但經過一段時間,你已經適應它了。 但這是個明智的做法嗎?它可能用消極的方式影響著你,也可能仍是個負擔,然而你已經 習慣它了。但這不代表你不能做出改變。如果你還想做出改變的話,現在就是個好時機。 ——6
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 06 2022 你會以懷疑的態度面對一個最近來到你身邊的機會, 你可能會覺得它很弱或時機是錯誤的, 或你並不喜歡其中某些事。 摩摩,因為這些原因,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/19你即將參與一個能讓你的未來更加光明的某件事裡。阿牛,你唯一的問題可能是這將會需 要某種投資,可能是財務或時間等資源的投資。如果你試著把這當成是對你自己的投資, 那麼他將是一個相當容易做出的決定。你現在所做的能夠幫助自己建立一個更強大、安全 且愉快的未來。 ——4
[情報] 5/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 10 2021 Although you are a fast learner, there is one lesson that keeps recurring. And even though it represents an irritation in your life, you have not been able to stop a certain pattern. But that may be because you don't see this recurring theme as a lesson, Capricorn. You may think it's just an unlucky