[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/19

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/19作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:0

Daily Horoscope for Saturday 03/19
Someone's expectations of you are very high, Taurus. That's not because they want to put you under pressure and cause you to feel anxious and nervous aboutmeasuring up. It's because they believe in you and know you can do whatever it is that you set out to do. If you are feeling the weight of someone's expectations on your shoulders now, let it go. They want the best for you. Try to see this as encouragement and support rather than an obligation.


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puffmei03/19 08:48謝謝

gipo77603/19 10:08謝謝

syukanou03/19 13:21謝謝,我會當作是鼓勵來看。

haibarajdi03/20 11:43謝謝,提醒自己可以從不同角度看事情