[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/22
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 03/22
A new opportunity may require you to rely on someone whom you don't see as all that reliable. If this feeling is based on history, it is something you needto consider seriously. But if it is just a hunch, you might want to explore it further. Either way, Taurus, you are reliable enough for two people - for both yourself and your partner, and so there is no doubt that you can make a success of this either way. If the reward is worth it to you, then it might be worth taking a chance.
hunch 預感;彎腰駝背;隆起
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 24/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are the ultimate decision-maker of your life, dear Moonchild. No one else can say what is best for you. However, there are times when it is difficult to be objective about your choices. You may not see certain tendencies of yours in an impartial way. If someone is offering you insight or feedback on an important decision now, then listen. You are the7
[情報] 8/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 13 2021 You are not afraid of new or adventurous situations, Capricorn, but you don't necessarily seek them out either. In fact, you might be more inclined to opt for an activity or pursuit that offers a smoother experience. But every now and then, it is good to go beyond your comfort zone, even if you don't feel7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/21你可能想分析一下自己探索新事物的動機。因為這可能是你興趣之外的事物,阿牛,這將 會幫助你理解為什麼自己突然被這項東西吸引。如果你做某件事是為了自己,那就做吧。 但如果只是為了向別人證明些什麼,你也需要認知到,自己並不需要向它人證明任何東西 。相反地,用你的能量來為自己建立信心吧。 ———6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/26親愛的阿牛,現在有些新機會正在進入你的生活中。也許你能看到它們正從遠方朝你走來 。但你或許會想知道為什麼這是專門為你準備的,因為它看起來並不像是你想要或需要的 事物。但是先不要下任何結論。在你決定提供給你的東西是毫無用處之前,先考慮什麼會 有可能性。你可能會發現這項事物確實很適合你,甚至可能是你現在正需要的。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/15在某個看似無法解決的問題上,你可能會在那漫長的隧道中看到光線。當這種情況發生時 ,阿牛,盡你所能的不去憤世嫉俗。也不要將它當成希望的妄想。如果今天對一個修復問 題的機會採取行動,你會發現它對你來說有很好的效果。如果你抱持著懷疑的態度,就可 能會錯過它,所以要對一個正在向你走來的解決方案保持敏感。 ———