[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/23
Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 03/23
There may be a "subplot" weaving its way through a new chapter in your life. But you are working so hard to get it right that you may not notice what else is going on. Be extra alert and aware today, Taurus, and you will see an opportunity hiding in the creases of what you're working on. If you step back just a bit and observe, you will begin to notice a greater chance of expanding on what you're doing, making it even bigger than you imagined.
subplot 次要劇情
weave 編織;迂迴進行
crease 皺紋;皺摺
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 10/16 Daily HoroscopeTry not to get too caught up in the details of a project today, Capricorn. Even though you may think that analyzing every single element is the best way to stay in control, it may actually distract you from bigger and more important things when they pop up. By focusing on the bigger picture, you will be more alert to everything that is going on. Then when something needs7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/30一段你個人關係的平衡不那麼正常。你可能是個給了許多的給予者,而其他人可能是拿了 太多的索取者,或是你可能為這些人做更多事來維持關係。但無論是哪種不平衡,阿牛, 它或許不會自動好轉。你需要解決不平衡和需要改進的地方。在你指出這件事之前,對方 甚至可能沒有注意到問題在哪,但他們可能會感謝你這麼做的。 ———7
[情報] 05/04 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 04 2022 你正在執行的計畫缺少領導者, 這可能是達成你的目標唯一需要的東西,魔魔, 但你會想怎麼可能, 因為它是一個獨立的計畫,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/15在某個看似無法解決的問題上,你可能會在那漫長的隧道中看到光線。當這種情況發生時 ,阿牛,盡你所能的不去憤世嫉俗。也不要將它當成希望的妄想。如果今天對一個修復問 題的機會採取行動,你會發現它對你來說有很好的效果。如果你抱持著懷疑的態度,就可 能會錯過它,所以要對一個正在向你走來的解決方案保持敏感。 ———5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/08你可能已經預料到即將進行的冒險會出現更多的問題。由於這樣的心態,你並不會期待著 這件事,阿牛。今天的訊息是個鼓舞人心的訊息。開始做那件你一直在逃避的事吧,你要 去完成它,這件事不會像你想像的那麼有挑戰性。你在腦中製造的問題比現實存在的更多 。把自己從那些消極的想法中解放並開始吧。 ———5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/11或許你正在質疑某件自己曾在過去一兩個月內同意過的事。但現在它正在進行中,可能也 沒有退路了。如果你退縮了,那可能會傷害到某人的情感,或使某人處在一個不利的位置 。如果你確定了這件事,那你就已作出正確選擇了,阿牛。你只需要找到一個方法把你正 要做的事當成是一種好處。那件事可能會給你機會使你的心情好一點。它可能在許多方面 都是相當正面的經驗。專注在類似的想法上吧。1
[情報] 05/29 the daily horoscopeIf you were to build a house for yourself, it would take a lot of time, money, and hard work. But once that house was built, you would have a comfortable ha ven where you could relax and enjoy your life. Something you are working on no w may not be as defined as a house. You are working to improve your life in so me way, Gemini, and there is no specific end date of when this will be complet