[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/20
You have something perfectly wonderful to look forward to in the future - andit might very well be the near future. However, Taurus, you probably aren't thinking about it because you are too preoccupied with problems you have in thepresent moment. But you can be joyful about what is yet to come while still handling any challenges or problems in a fluid and optimistic way. That's really the key to a happy life, and you are encouraged to be more conscious of aiming for that.
preoccupy 著迷;使全神貫注
fluid 流暢;不固定的;流體;液體
optimistic 樂觀;樂天;有信心的
conscious 意識;自覺;蓄意的
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/10愛、希望、夢想與成功,這些都是對你有利的事物,阿牛。即使你已經放棄了其中幾樣生 活中的美好事物,這仍然是真的。但如果獲得其中幾樣事物的可能性就在你身邊,而你卻 沒有看見,因為你已經放棄了?這就是問題所在。對發生在你生命中的美好事物要更加開 放,因為即便它們就在你身邊,你仍然必須意識到才能獲得,朝這方面繼續努力吧。 ———8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/11你能夠想像一隻小鳥離巢時展翼而飛的那一刻是什麼感覺嗎?一開始一定有種恐懼感,但 當風起時,這一定是令人振奮的。阿牛,你對於正在著手的新事物仍處於恐懼階段,並不 確定它將如何發展,你可能擔心自己會跌倒或失敗。但那股狂風會將你帶領你到高空,沒 什麼好擔心的。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/04你是個實際的人,而不是個大夢想家。不可能有人指責你被幻想沖昏頭,因為你太腳踏實 地了。但阿牛,今天可能有個毫無邊際的想法不斷出現在你的腦中。不要認為你只是在空 想,你的想法中可能會出現一些相當實際的事物。畢竟它發生在你身上,而你又如此實際 。在你否定它之前,請先進一步探索它吧。 ——5
[情報] 7/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed because you are facing a lot of problems. In fact, you can probably reel off a long list of issues to deal with in your mind right now, dear Leo. But it may be your approach to this that is causing you to feel stuck and overwhelmed. If you think about it, the troubles you have right now may be many, but they are mostly very small. Attack the bigger