[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/21
You may be thinking about taking on a time-consuming new project now because it seems so exciting. The only problem may be that you already have too much to do, dear Taurus. In fact, didn't at least some of the work you now have on your plate start out seeming exciting? This is a reminder that you need to be more discerning when scheduling your time. You will accomplish less and become far more frustrated if you aren't careful about planning your schedule. But ifyou are more "choosy," you will get a lot more done - and it will be the kindof things you really want to engage in.
consume 消耗;耗費;耗損
discern 辨識;發覺;領悟;辨明
accomplish 完成;達成
frustrate 挫敗;沮喪;灰心;失望
engage 參與;從事
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/19你現在可能參與著一些你已經失去目標感的事。你曾在參加這件事的時候感覺很好,如果 你不再擁有曾經的熱情,帶著巨大的責任往前是件困難的事。親愛的阿牛,訣竅不是找到 擺脫它的方法,而是重拾那個目標感。回顧一下你的經驗,看看是否能找到你曾感受過的 火花。你很可能做得到這件事,這會幫助你以更大的熱情和興奮向前邁進。 ——8
[情報] 12/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 16 2020 You may have gotten to the point in a frustrating endeavor where you are starting to feel that good enough will be good enough. Prior to that, you had given it your all, Capricorn, only to feel unappreciated and overly frustrated. Why bother when things aren't going your way? Because you take8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/23一段坎坷的關係在變得平靜前可能會更加坎坷。你會這樣持續下去嗎,阿牛?你能堅持到 這個暫時性的階段結束嗎?如果你能做到這點,你將會平穩的走上通往更強大、可靠,且 更充滿信心、希望和信任的道路。而困難的部分將是處理那個時間到來前所發生的任何衝 突,因為你現在很敏感,而且容易受傷。只要一直記住你期待的東西,事情就會更簡單。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/02隱藏的布幕即將揭開,你已經相當努力地工作了。這件事可能使你非常緊張,阿牛。因為 你認為自己還沒準備好接受觀察與考核。但如果事實證明你已經完全準備好了,並且你會 因為出色的表現而獲得讚賞呢?那將是令人興奮的,不是嗎?如果你努力工作並且盡了最 大的努力,那就相信自己吧。不要想太多,抬頭挺胸為自己所做的感到驕傲吧。 ——5
[情報] 6/7 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 7 2021 If you were driving a car, the faster and more aggressive you drive, the more gasoline you will use. It requires more energy to accelerate at a faster rate. This may be an obvious fact to you, Capricorn, but it may not be so obvious that you are traveling at a pace now that is detrimental to you - and5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/04你可能覺得現在自己真正需要的是一點魔法來推動一個有著希望的冒險,阿牛。你或許認 為這個要求並不過分。然而,如果你抱有這樣的想法時,你想做的事可能都無法實現,那 麼再多的魔法也沒辦法改變這點。你充滿希望的想法將是你所需的所有魔法,以體現你所 夢想的事物。努力讓自己更積極,然後出去施展你的魔法吧。 ——