[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/05
A little bit of powdered sugar sprinkled over the top of a freshly baked gingerbread cake is an excellent finishing touch. Without it, the cake would stillbe delicious. But with it, a regular cake can be transformed into a work of aculinary art. You are at that point now with something you are working on. Before you go back to the drawing board and start adding all kinds of other things out of a need to reach perfection, Taurus, you need to remind yourself thatonly a small touch is all that's really needed. Don't go overboard.
point 時刻;階段
go back to the drawing board 重新開始
touch 一些;少許;輕微
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/08你需要怎麼做才能獲得快樂呢,阿牛?一棟完美的房子?一輛豪華的車?不,你需要的遠 比這些更深得多。你真正需要的是被愛跟歸屬感。你能夠獲得這些,只要你能張開 雙臂去接受它。有某些事正在提供你這些,它可能為你帶來長期以來你所渴望的感受。不 要害怕或猶豫,相信並接受它吧。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/30你可能覺得需要一點魔法來面對今天的挑戰,阿牛。但你真正需要的東西是判斷力。這是 你所大量擁有的,要記住這點。你也需要打消自己需要擁有更多東西的想法。不要向外尋 求計劃或找一些擁有影響力的人來幫助你。你已經擁有你所需要的一切。你只需要靠你與 生俱來的能力,並且相信自己。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/04你可能覺得現在自己真正需要的是一點魔法來推動一個有著希望的冒險,阿牛。你或許認 為這個要求並不過分。然而,如果你抱有這樣的想法時,你想做的事可能都無法實現,那 麼再多的魔法也沒辦法改變這點。你充滿希望的想法將是你所需的所有魔法,以體現你所 夢想的事物。努力讓自己更積極,然後出去施展你的魔法吧。 ——2
[情報] 12/08 the daily horoscopeA sense of d嶴vu may have an uncomfortable feeling to it today, Gemini. Some thing new that you are becoming involved in may remind you of something else f rom the past - something that did not turn out well. You need to shake off tha t feeling. It's not related at all. Although there might be similar elements, there is nothing to be concerned about. Force yourself to imagine the outcome