[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/12
It is possible that you feel as though you have been dropped in the middle ofa thick forest. Taurus, you may feel completely bewildered about how you arrived at a particular location emotionally, but you shouldn't place the blame onyourself for getting there. Even though there is a lot of confusion around you and you may be surprised by the behavior of certain people in your life, youwill soon start to see your way through the tangle of information that you are picking up here and there. This will occur despite the fact that there is a lot of confusion that is swerving around you. You are going to emerge victorious from this situation, and it is going to make sense in the end. Put your faith in that.
bewildered 不知所措;困惑
tangle 混亂;糾結
swerving 突然轉向;偏離方向;急轉直下
emerge 出現;產生;誕生;浮現;暴露
謝謝 我有信心
謝謝,蒐集資訊 要有信心
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/03你可能覺得自己在一個進行中的計劃走到了盡頭。一件你認為很快會解決的事似乎正不斷 重複著。為此你可能感到疲憊不堪,或至少是對你所面臨的問題感到厭煩,阿牛。但宇宙 正為你注入新能量,你可以從那裡發展出你所需要的態度來成功處理這個問題。充分利用 這種轉變,這樣一來你就能把事情解決了。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/13你或許把目前的任務看作是個重擔。甚至可能對於這件事被放在你身上而感到負擔或怨恨 。因為這可能是他人的責任,又或者你只是希望它能轉交給別人,因為你已經夠忙了,親 愛的阿牛。但你需要從它的本意來看待這個問題。因為有人對你有信心,有人相信你的能 力且相信你會在關鍵時刻挺身而出。試著認知到這是種讚美,因此值得你花時間去做。 ——5
[情報] 7/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed because you are facing a lot of problems. In fact, you can probably reel off a long list of issues to deal with in your mind right now, dear Leo. But it may be your approach to this that is causing you to feel stuck and overwhelmed. If you think about it, the troubles you have right now may be many, but they are mostly very small. Attack the bigger5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/07有些目的地需要經過不舒服甚至是疲憊的旅行。為了到達這些地方,你必須歷經千辛萬苦 才能到達。但正是因為想到了那美不勝收的目的地,才讓你能夠持續旅行著。你正在進行 某種旅行,儘管這可能不是物理性的一次旅行。它可能有不吸引人的地方,也需要經過一 些崎嶇的道路。但如果你繼續前進,就會到達你想要去的地方。將目標保持在腦中吧。 ——