[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/14

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/14作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:0

If you receive a sign today that everything is going to be okay, take it to heart at face value. You may be searching for such an answer, Taurus, and yet you may also be cynical about it actually happening that way. In this way, you can be your own worst enemy. Don't be skeptical if the hope you are searching for turns up today. Don't dismiss it by trying to explain it away. Take it forwhat it seems like in the moment, and then hold that feeling close. It's a gift from the universe to validate that things are going to work out for you.
take sth at face value 放在心上
cynical 憤世嫉俗;偏激;悲觀
skeptical 持懷疑態度;多疑的


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ioueioue09/14 01:36謝謝 我會放在心上

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pewq09/14 09:23謝謝,需要正能量,也感謝每日翻譯

EiryoWaga09/14 11:12謝謝

itieQ09/14 11:49Thanks

sacgj09/14 17:21謝謝~很棒

monsterwai09/14 18:08謝謝

tinabjqs09/14 18:24謝謝

enita09/14 21:37謝謝 今天好需要這個!