[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/24

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/24作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:0

You may be trying to tailor something about yourself to gain someone's admiration or approval. This may be something superficial or something much deeper. But you really shouldn't have to change anything at all that brings you comfort or gives you a sense of your own identity. If someone is expecting you to change to be more of what they want, then it isn't you they want - and you deserve far better, Taurus. You are who you are, and you are great just the way youare. Remember that today.


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※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 09/24/2022 12:29:58

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