[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/29
You may be spending a lot of time recently worrying about something that you know you can't control. You may be picturing what would have happened if you had done something differently. You may be fantasizing about a better outcome. You may be wishing you could go back in time for a do-over. None of that is possible though, Taurus, so what's the point? You would be so much better off using that time and energy to turn things around for the better in your life. You can do that!
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/06最近有一個祝福降臨在你身上了,阿牛。儘管這是你一直以來渴求的東西,你卻已經開始期待去得到更好的。但是在你更上一層樓之前,張大眼睛去看並感謝你所擁有的。生命不僅是在於前往下個階段,也不是把你所擁有的棄之如敝屣,好進入到想像中更高的境界。真正的喜樂來自於認可你生命中的美好。今天,花一點時間來珍惜你的幸褔吧。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Jun 6 A blessing has recently been bestowed upon you, Taurus. And even though it may have been something you have been hoping for, you are already hoping for something even better. But before you can ascend to that next level, it would be wise to truly see and appreciate what you already have. Life is not about always going one step further and seeing what you have as dispensable so that you can move on to a level you imagine will be higher. True contentment comes from recognizing the good in your life. Take some time today to appreciate your blessings. --8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/07你一直背負著的重擔現在已經可以放下了,阿牛。但你可能會猶豫不決,也許你會因為擔 心時機尚未成熟而無法放下,或你認為自己背負的已經不是個重擔了,以至於你不想放下 這種舒適感。但你越早放手,就能越早開始新的計劃,也能越早獲得你所取得的成就所帶 來的收穫,就讓它去吧。 ——7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07牛牛,你的生活出現了什麼問題嗎?這對你來說或許並不出乎意料,因為你可能已經不斷 的思考你現在所面臨的問題。可是去細究並且擔心它們並不會改變任何事情,對嗎?但有 些事物卻可以。 當你選擇樂觀時,去保持你臉上的微笑,懷抱那些快樂並且充盈著希望的想法。 -即使你必須讓自己去做到這些。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/29你一直在尋找的東西,似乎每次都讓你難以捉摸。你可能想知道,為什麼你投入了這麼多 的時間與精力,卻似乎無法體現出來。這可能是因為宇宙在幫助你避免它。也許你並不真 正需要你試著想獲得的東西。事實上,阿牛,它可能甚至對你沒有好處,或有著更好的東 西在等著你。如果你對此保持開放態度,那今天也許能弄清楚。 ——