[請益] 台積Process Development Engineer請益
A. 職務名稱: Process Development Engineer 2023 Intern
工作地點: 中科Taichung Site, 龍潭Longtan
B. 職務說明:
1) Develop expertise in advanced TCB bonding related process development
2) Drive development of new technology for semiconductor advanced packagingbonding applications
3) Fundamental studies to validate the mechanism of defects that encountered 4) Work closely and collaborate with equipment suppliers, towards roadmap andschedule alignment
5) Collaborate with equipment engineers to provide and receive feedback onequipment/process interactions
1) Major in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering and
Chemical Engineering related fields.
2) Hands-on participation and a strong sense of ownership are required.
3) Strong technical problem-solving and analytical skills, based upon
fundamental and empirical models
4) Excellent teamwork capabilities, able to receive and provide inputs forcross-functional projects
5) Have basic mechanical-related knowledge. Having the semiconductor
processes knowledge is a plus.
6) Basic written and spoken communication skills are required.
7) Being able to communicate in Mandarin and English
8) Strong Project management and priority handling skills with self-motivation
9) Have ability to edit code is a plus, such as Python, C#, C++, Matlab
但好像還是產線缺,484 GG騙人的新手法?
你八成化工或化材吧 就去實習阿 不然能去哪
實驗室可以放人 就去啊
學弟 112跟人喊啥四大
這明顯研發缺啊.. 研發比產線累啦 但新領域你應該
Thermo-Compression Bonding (TCB)機會很好請把握
※ 編輯: cepy ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 21:27:13要會寫程式幹嘛?
[請益] 台積電面試單位新鮮的肝上來請教前輩們 收到面試邀請e-mail 想打聽一下工作的內容狀況 1. 職務名稱: RD Process engineer 工作地點: 南科16
[請益] 美光 IT 工作請益小妹最近收到桃園的美光 IT Software Engineer的面試邀約 HR是說這份職缺跟產線相關,主要是作MES系統相關的 需要On Call,大概每1-2個月輪一次(每次一周) 會和國外工程師Meeting 工作內容是寫這樣9
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[請益] 台積 南科 mask process engineer請益各位好 最近收到台積的面試邀請 應該是EBO? 職務名稱: Mask Process Engineer 工作地點: 南科7
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