Re: [情報] Sabalenka:紅土Iga,草地Ryba,硬地我

看板Tennis標題Re: [情報] Sabalenka:紅土Iga,草地Ryba,硬地我作者
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※ 引述《sthho (sthho)》之銘言

圖 Sabalenka:紅土Iga,草地Ryba,硬地我
: Sabalenka:
: 很明顯的,在紅土,Iga比我強
: 又譬如Rybakina在草地表現更好
: 而我在硬地又會更好一點
: 紅土: Iga
: 草地: Rybakina
: 硬地: Sabalenka
: 就大滿貫冠軍來說的確!


Interviewer: “Do you have a feeling that there are the best three like in the past. Best three,
you, swiatek and rybakina and then there are so many people very strong but with some
*(Can't hear clearly) some not so perfect like you andbetween you…”

Sabalenka: “I'm not perfect at all but…(laughing)”

interviewer: ”Yeah yeah but more perfect between you three. Do you have a feeling about the difference is by surface so yeah (you) a little bit better on cement (hard court) and swiatek is on clay and rybakina on grass I say something like this or it depends on the day just the day between you three.”
訪問者:「對,對,但在你們三個人之間更完美一些。你有沒有感覺到差異是因為球場的不同,所以嗯(沙巴)在硬地球場上稍微更擅長,Swiatek 在紅土球場上,Rybakina 在草地球場上,我是這樣說的,或者取決於當天的情況,就是在你們三個人之間的某一天。」

Sabalenka: “Well I mean obviously Iga is much better on clay than me for example. I would say Elena is better on grass and I maybe a little bit better on hardcourt, but at the same time I cannot say that we are…it's all about the surface. Because I mean as the time shows that I can beat them on clay, on hard, on grass… so it's not about the surface I would say. It's about the… honestly in each match is just about a couple of key moments where like probably she played better.”

Sabalenka: “And for example last match with Iga (Madrid final) I wouldn't say that on those important points I did something wrong. It just… I was doing the right thing but she was doing it better you know a little bit. It just about like little little things and and um yeah it's not about the surface you know. It'sjust like…it's a process.”

Sabalenka: “You know like you learn from that little mistakes you made it in the match and then you go and work on them and and you try better next time. So it's just little improvements you know like a little percentage better every day and hope for the better result.”


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sthho 05/11 04:17感謝補充,以後會再注意原文內容。

onme 05/11 08:08沙巴現在輸球後的心態真的很正面

namieamuroma05/11 09:33被沙巴圈粉了

KB1999KB2 05/11 14:04老實說 我覺得截的那段也沒什麼問題XD

KB1999KB2 05/11 14:06Much better/better/a little bit better

KB1999KB2 05/11 14:07甚至還有一個maybe