[問題/現行] 備份

看板WOW標題[問題/現行] 備份 作者
時間推噓 推:5 噓:5 →:12


While it's generally a good practice to back up your entire game
configuration folder, including the "" file, if you're specificallyconcerned about preserving your settings and preferences, backing up the
"" file should be sufficient. This file contains the majority of
your personal configuration options for the game.

To back up the "" file, simply make a copy of it and store it in a
safe location, such as a separate folder or an external storage device. This
way, if anything happens to your original file or you accidentally make
unwanted changes, you can restore the backup to revert to your previous

Remember that the location of the "" file may vary depending on
your operating system and the specific game you're playing. Make sure to
locate the correct file associated with your game installation.

想確認一下 是不是只要備份 介面的設定等等就會保留

如果要砍了程式 請問還有哪些檔案要備份的




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※ 編輯: china2025 ( 臺灣), 06/10/2023 18:25:08

Allen031506/10 18:28WTF、Interface\addons、Cache主要是這三大資料夾吧

Allen031506/10 18:29 設定都在WTF裡面 電腦硬體更新 就最好別備份

Allen031506/10 18:29 讓主程式自行建立新的WTF檔自己重設比較好

Allen031506/10 18:29 有用字形就Fonts也一起備份

Allen031506/10 18:30 Cache就遊戲主程式會另外下載的快取

Allen031506/10 18:30 換新電腦也可以不用備份 重抓就好

所以不用備份 只要重灌就可以 是嗎

OAzenO06/10 19:35這種可能會更新的東西別問chatgpt吧

mealoop06/10 20:27這ID不意外

※ 編輯: china2025 ( 臺灣), 06/10/2023 20:36:12

china202506/10 20:36所以不用備份 重灌就可以 是嗎

china202506/10 20:37介面資料是已經存在帳號裡了 是這樣嗎

roxette11106/10 21:50不是

Allen031506/10 22:09 你要的UI設定再去從WTF裡面撈出來備份就好

k7ji91ab5m06/10 23:27Cache這個資料夾完全不用管他就是

Golbeza06/11 00:16問chatgpt就好不用上來問

Allen031506/11 01:51 單純的只是重灌系統 Cache也可以備份就是了

wayne200232306/11 03:36不知道 不回答 不要玩

eplis06/11 08:33chatgpt免費版都是舊資料,會更新的別問它

t4lin06/11 09:43AI:我長得像暴雪工程師嗎

sniper282406/11 10:55

ii350106/12 08:42跟你說這問題google 打wow UI備份就可以找到中文答案哦

m231564897m06/12 14:59google不用偏要GPT,潮到出水

gunnip406/12 20:12不用跟這ID 認真