[情報] 下周保底鑰石層數-3

看板WOW標題[情報] 下周保底鑰石層數-3作者
時間推噓10 推:11 噓:1 →:4


Hello Krystallíne!
When Season 3 begins next week, Mythic+ Keystones will be lowered by an
additional 3 levels
to account for the overall increase in dungeon
difficulty. If you’d like to open your Great Vault next week and earn a +15
Keystone, you’ll need to time a +18 or complete a +19 untimed before next
weekly regional maintenance.
Hope this helps clear things up.


The true man wants two things: danger and play.

For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


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mquare02/24 11:57也太佛了 以前都是 -4還是-5

kiddlau02/24 11:58太佛心了吧 還不儲值支持一下

wolf012002/24 13:30去年改9.1不是也-3嗎

pttyeon02/24 14:11這周不是超難打

pig840902/24 14:46這周詞墬有改

wmud02/24 15:21這週最大的問題是統御碎片已經失效了,雖然打個18問題不大

pig840902/24 15:34M+碎片本來就沒深層的效果吧

enchyi02/24 15:415片加起來至少也有5%以上的機體性能

wmud02/24 16:46是單個效果也沒了,直接灰掉

catmeat77702/24 16:48其他碎片都還好,沒冰盾差超多

vogue3802/24 17:53明明國外一堆只打m+的在打25-26 人家沒有冰盾耶@@

enchyi02/24 20:38那你要不要看打得有多少是有的

s84121902/25 03:42打完M自己看冰盾治療佔比多少Zzz還在那邊沒深層效果勒...

s84121902/25 03:50

圖 下周保底鑰石層數-3

axiall02/26 16:51你多想三秒鐘就知道別人說的"深層"效果是什麼意思

axiall02/26 16:51像個人,好嗎?