Re: [難過] 你各位知道英文o常常要念u嗎?

看板WomenTalk標題Re: [難過] 你各位知道英文o常常要念u嗎?作者
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※ 引述《AirOctopus (AirOctopus)》之銘言:
: 像是cover、brother、government的o,其實發音都是念u,
: 以發音來拼應該是cuver、bruther、guvernment才對,
: 而bother雖然跟brother只差一個r,但bother的o就要念o。
: 你各位知道英文的o常常要念u嗎?



When in English class we speak,
Why is break nor rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it's true
That we say sew, but also few?
When a poet writes a verse
Why is horse not rhymed with worse?
Beard sounds not the same as heard
Lord sounds not the same as word
Cow is cow, but low is low

Shoe is never rhymed with toe.
Think of nose and dose and lose
Think of goose, but then of

Confuse not comb with
tomb or bomb,

Doll with roll, or home with some.
We have blood and food and good.
Mould is not pronounced like could.
There's pay and say, but
paid and said.
"I will read", but "I have read".
Why say done, but gone and lone -
Is there any reason known?
To summarise, it seems to me
Sounds and letters disagree.


如果可以都唸對的人,我可以稱讚你 略懂 略懂~~




我以為牽手就會懷孕 你們說的啪啪啪我以為是鼓掌


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Beanoodle 04/05 22:36為愛鼓掌

freshguy 04/05 22:39你讀英文啦 不要在意簽名檔...

SweetLee 04/05 22:56我連國中英文都唸不好你叫我唸這個?唉

SweetLee 04/05 22:56沒辦法 聯考筆試制度下的產物 只會讀寫

SweetLee 04/05 22:56 不會聽說

freshguy 04/05 23:03我退休後才學英文的老媽 會八成

freshguy 04/05 23:04未來有空努力學吧 真的

freshguy 04/05 23:04我老媽認真學四五年 出國玩歐巴桑們

freshguy 04/05 23:05都要她幫翻譯把她當神 其實簡易英語而已

AirOctopus 04/05 23:37這全部都很基礎的字,講得多高深

freshguy 04/05 23:38明明說過 全部都會也只是略懂 何時說這

freshguy 04/05 23:38個高深了?

freshguy 04/05 23:39半瓶水不要崩潰啊

AirOctopus 04/05 23:47別不知所云了,根本不用略懂什麼語言

AirOctopus 04/05 23:48學,那些字沒被教壞根本不會念錯

AirOctopus 04/05 23:50把幼稚園基礎口語當該被稱讚的0桶水

caramelputin 04/06 07:35我教自己小孩自然發音有拜讀一下語

caramelputin 04/06 07:35音學的課一點,也有看書,例外的部

caramelputin 04/06 07:35分真的太多,看完之後只好變成唸到

caramelputin 04/06 07:35背起來。

caramelputin 04/06 07:39基礎才是最難累積正確的,四五到七

caramelputin 04/06 07:39歲的小孩要練習拼音真的是不斷反覆

caramelputin 04/06 07:39練習練習再練習。

bbman77 04/06 12:05崩潰仔好笑