[閒聊] never say never
Never say never
We can do something impossible
如果失去了決心 跟 勇氣 ,我們還剩下什麼?
Chance favors the prepared mind.
Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 12
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哥 不需要 雞湯
如果 你 給了雞湯,我 會在 裡面 下
毒 餵樓下喝
I will never say never~
I will fight ‘till forever~
如果有人can do,怎麼還能說是impos
“Never say never” says never t
[問卦] 房價崩盤那天,你會送炒房仔一句什麼話最近炒房炒得有夠高調、囂張 以為都買通好了就能保證房價不崩嗎? 股市房市都一樣 總有一個極限不是只漲不崩的 等到台灣房市像日本、中國那樣泡沫破滅時25
[閒聊] 《我推的孩子》第1話給我們什麼啟示?《我推的孩子》 赤坂沒在跟你熱身的 第1話上場 直接血流成河 引爆話題6
[閒聊] 思春期還有辦法用功(勉強)嗎?越來越多校園劇結合愛情,還帶點澀澀的情節 像是 五等分 這種的還好,場蔥心癢的環節只點到為止,剩下丟給同人發揮 師吹就不會放過惹== 幻妖三重 就是各種,JK們圍在暖桌用功,劇情卻開始摸來摸去的走向(???) 尤其小鈴根本隨時在思春期......2X
[問卦] 登入兩千七可以站著說話了吧?剛剛去看一下肥肥用多久的批踢踢ㄌ 看一下驚覺兩千七 已經可以當學長了 這下肥肥是不是可以抬頭挺胸把話給說了? --3
[情報] 09/09 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 9 2021 魔魔,你是一個忠誠的人, 對生命中的某個人你一直都非常忠誠, 但最近這個人似乎變得比以往予取予求, 而你也正好在一個無法像平時那樣容忍的狀態中。3
[情報] 10/09 the daily horoscopeYou may have something important to say or announce today, dear Gemini, becaus e you are feeling bold, brave, and impassioned. Even so, those you wish to com municate with may not be in the right state of mind to hear what you have to s ay, and therefore, they won't be receptive. Try to keep yourself fired up, tak e notes on your thoughts, and perhaps rehearse what you want to say in your mi2
[情報] 03/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeReliving an upsetting moment in your mind can only serve one purpose - to teach you something. If you learn your lesson well, you can improve the next time you have the chance to do it. But if you keep going over a failure or an awkward moment in your mind, dear Cancer, it may only instill fear of failure and embarrassment. It is time to look forward1
[情報] 05/23 the daily horoscopeA burst of energy that you experience early today could motivate you to tackle an issue that seemed impossible just yesterday. If you do take it on, Gemini, you should find that your determination will be well rewarded. In fact, once you accomplish this challenge, you may find that it will open a door to someth ing new for you - perhaps a chance to change your role in a familiar situation1
[情報] 03/12 the daily horoscopeYou are a deep thinker, Gemini, and when you get stuck on a thought, it can be hard to escape it unless you resolve it. And right now, you may be stuck in t houghts of a missed chance. But since you can't get it back, what's the point in pondering it? By spending too much time wallowing in regret and running all of the 'what-ifs' through your mind, you may be missing out on some truly att- 大雨也阻礙不了我求學的決心 小智讚讚讚,用功唸書認真求學 想必一定也是認真寫論文啦 --
[閒聊] 練肌肉會有暴力傾向?7
[閒聊] 同事問獎金領多少,答完他卻不講自己的2
[閒聊] 會在意不是在情人節當天過嗎?2
[閒聊] 存了一年的豬公(開殺1
[閒聊] 會羨慕長澤雅美的鼻子嗎?1
[心情] 去日本旅遊越來越貴,還值得去?1
Re: [討論] 好奇問大家想過自己的喪禮嗎?X
[閒聊] 看小說如何意淫?1
[閒聊] 內用時蒼蠅飛進餐點 會請店家重做嗎?1
Re: [討論] 沒人知道日本曾經殺過很多台灣人嗎?1
[閒聊] 同飯店會選私人湯屋還是大眾溫泉?2
[閒聊] IG限動只想發一次性給一個人看,有這功能?X
[難過] 今天吃太多了拉