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FlynnZhang05/04 22:41rich/poor

eva1945200205/04 22:42自己的作業自己寫 難不成你要幫你家小孩寫一輩子作業

kimura070105/04 22:42先換手機,照片有夠糊

a2758867905/04 22:43照片糊的跟稀飯一樣

keroming05/04 22:43go outside 不就好了。而且說真的你為什麼鏡頭不拍下面

keroming05/04 22:43一點= = 看的真辛苦

zzhhanhan05/04 22:44but they are outside now

ashkaze05/04 22:44你先教小孩把字寫好看會比較好

yihsuan112205/04 22:44先去學拍照

jetaime85105/04 22:46小孩寫這樣很整齊了 因為還看得懂

meakayou05/04 22:48They were standing in the house yesterday, but they

meakayou05/04 22:48 are sitting on the rock outside now.

zoya9205/04 22:52這照片讓人看得真痛苦

rttlac05/04 22:52讓孩子寫錯也沒差吧

oten05/04 22:52都國中了 功課還會問家長??

oten05/04 22:53不是都問同學??

yuan5522605/04 22:53主要是字太淺了,看不清楚@@

oten05/04 22:53或隔天到學校在問同學

antizen05/04 22:564F wwwwwww

thousandwave05/04 22:58They used eToro yesterday, sleeping in the park

thousandwave05/04 22:58 today.

yuan5522605/04 22:59問的是第四題,建議把拍攝鏡頭焦點轉到第四題就好了

beerbelly05/04 23:00They were living in the house yesterday, but today

beerbelly05/04 23:00they become homeless.

ashkaze05/04 23:08The couple were stay at home in self-quarantine

ashkaze05/04 23:09yesterday,but they escape and have fun outside today.

aa465552705/04 23:16有時候不是英文好不好問題 是圖片出太爛吧

aa465552705/04 23:18推文也太好笑XD

honor7705/04 23:27plz learn how to take photo first

JC8305/04 23:32這不會考

drajan05/04 23:34Mother was doggystyled yesterday, and she is from behi

drajan05/04 23:34nd today

kccintcc0505/04 23:36They were at home yesterday, but today they decide

kccintcc0505/04 23:36 to go outside instead.

celtics199705/04 23:38What the fuck u want? What the fuck you want?

celtics199705/04 23:38Mess with me again and I'll rip out your tongue

g7a7n705/04 23:41This is a pen

lily777705/05 00:24手機鏡頭擦乾淨再聊下去

qqq589000305/05 01:15拍成這樣看個雕?

s99022805/05 03:2023,25樓也太好笑

fivenineone05/05 03:45quarantine xDDD

RINPE05/05 06:27D

Daniel071205/05 08:42Mom killed his her husband

Daniel071205/05 08:42because her husband has positive for Wuhan sick

beerbelly05/05 10:49謝謝稱讚

jayru05/05 11:39不就昨天在家,今天出去玩嗎?

pttwilliam05/05 11:54你可以先學會拍照,加油