[情報] 紅襪斥資16億鎂弄芬威角落(球場周圍開發)

看板Baseball標題[情報] 紅襪斥資16億鎂弄芬威角落(球場周圍開發)作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:8

Boston has approved a new mixed-use development around Fenway Park called "Fenway Corners."

The $1.6B proposal plans to put eight new buildings on the blocks surrounding the ballpark.


將在紅襪主場Fenway Park周圍做開發

取名叫芬威角落(Fenway Corners)


Big development project around Fenway Park wins key city vote

The $1.6b proposal — co-developed by Fenway Sports Group — would put eight new buildings on the blocks surrounding the historic ballpark.

The Boston Planning and Development Agency board on Thursday approved Fenway Corners, a $1.6 billion mixed-use project that will bring offices, labs, apartments, a slew of retailers, and street-level upgrades along Jersey Street, BrooklineAvenue, and Van Ness Street.

The project’s development team is a joint venture of WS Development, the Fenway Sports Group, and Twins Enterprises. John Henry, owner of the Boston Globe, isthe principal owner of Fenway Sports Group, which owns the Boston Red Sox, Liverpool Football Club, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. Twins Enterprises is owned by the D’Angelo family, which has owned and operated retail and souvenir shops adjacent to the park for nearly 80 years.

Fenway Sports Group(紅襪老闆)
Twins Enterprises


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zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB

07/14 21:41

murmur3807/14 21:42這角落有夠大

iamalexnotjo07/14 21:42

JimK051107/14 21:45新竹外野民宅角落

lions40207/14 21:46利物浦的錢都在這嗎

MapleLeaf15107/14 21:49綠色怪物後面的停車場要沒了嗎

hsincheng07/14 21:55這角落誇張的大

avcds111107/14 21:58這不知道要蓋到民國幾年

starchiang07/14 22:02看看人家是怎麼開發球場的

bmwnyy87091507/14 22:04球場周圍蓋商場是趨勢了

cobras63807/14 22:16芬威現在才在球場周圍蓋商場算晚的嗎?

error404joe07/14 23:10芬威跟大多數大聯盟球場不一樣,它可是完完全全的在

error404joe07/14 23:10市區內,不是在郊區,基本上能有開發案已經很屌了

error404joe07/14 23:23看照片感覺是把紀念品店、運動酒吧、停車場那幾塊拆

error404joe07/14 23:23掉蓋新大樓

carlchang09207/14 23:33當年就是沒地才會生出這個右外野同時存在所有球場最

carlchang09207/14 23:33遠跟最近的全壘打牆距離,然後左外野就是知名綠色怪

carlchang09207/14 23:33物。

carlchang09207/14 23:33現在老古董,加上四周都是道路除非重劃不然地還是長

carlchang09207/14 23:33這樣,所以也不太可能有結構改變了

MookieBetts07/15 00:30長知識