Re: [情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局
Rob Manfred毫不意外的續任了。
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[情報] 曼佛地魔:我想要繼續當MLB主席Rob Manfred wants to be re-elected as MLB commissioner: “I have what I regard t o be the best job in the world. My current thinking is I’d like to continue to do it.” A notable nine-month window for re-election is about to start.13
[情報] MLB主席:聯盟將推故意觸身球規定Rob Manfred will issue warning to MLB teams about plunking Astros hitters 太空人隊的作弊案讓他們成為全聯盟的眾矢之的,昨太空人總教練貝克就呼籲大聯盟制止 這個行為 Pitchers across baseball may be checking their calendars to see when they’ll have an opportunity to get retribution against the Astros for cheating, but Ro23
[情報] MLB預期會舉辦更多種非傳統球場比賽MLB預期會舉辦更多種非傳統球場比賽 MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred says to expect more nontraditional types of venues for MLB games, like what occurred this past summer with Field of Dreams. He mentioned "going to locales where they don't ordinarily play Major League Bas11
[分享] Manfred彌補和球員的關係:送耳機啦Rob Manfred has said he needs to repair his relationship with MLB players follow ing the lockout. Here’s a small gesture from Opening Day. Each player had a gif t box waiting at their locker with Bose headphones and this “note of appreciati on” from Manfred inside.10
[情報] 曼佛地魔:我想要繼續當MLB主席Rob Manfred wants to be re-elected as MLB commissioner: “I have what I regard t o be the best job in the world. My current thinking is I’d like to continue to do it.” A notable nine-month window for re-election is about to start.6
[情報] 明年MLB倫敦海外賽組合:費城 VS 梅子Commissioner Rob Manfred officially announced Phillies-Mets will play in London Series next June. He also said MLB is in process of working on series in Paris f or 2025. "It is in the planning stages & was part of the general program that wa s laid out in the last basic agreement."3
[情報] 沙胖將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特助MLB names CC Sabathia special assistant to commissioner Rob Manfred 大聯盟於今日宣布 沙胖C.C Sabathia將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特別助理
[問題] 如果象魔力到富邦要改什麼名?1X
[討論] 不然台北市就給兄弟蓋一個新球場9
[分享] 味全去沖繩跟火腿交流 2/2410
[討論] 今年中職的左投(洋投)爆棚耶