[炸裂] Mark Vientos
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[炸裂] Mark Vientos 追平雙響砲費城梅子G2 九局上半1出局一壘有人 三壘手Mark Vientos打出本場大都會第4支全壘打 也是他今天的第二支 梅子6:6費城54
[炸裂] Mark Vientos GS在兩出局二三壘有人的局面 躲人選擇IBB林董擠成滿壘抓Vientos 結果被Vientos狠狠教訓啦 這是他在大聯盟的首支大滿貫 今天挨轟的Brasier和Knack狀況都不好 尤其控球有蠻大問題29
Re: [炸裂] Mark Vientos GSESPN整理的數據 2000年以後季後賽有45支滿貫砲 其中只有4支是在敬遠以後被打,最近3次發生苦主都是道奇隊 Good nugget from our research department: There have been 45 postseason grand sl ams since 2000, but only four have come after an intentional walk. And the last6
[情報] 國民主力牛棚加入WBC尼加拉瓜隊WBC NEWS - NICARAGUA Per @Rayo2Fer, both Erasmo Ramírez (Nationals) and Mark Vientos (Mets) have com mitted to play for Nicaragua in the World Baseball Classic. Now, they ar just awaiting approval from each of their clubs.1
[炸裂] Mark Vientos 再見全壘打 幫刪梅子3壘新當家Mark Vientos,10局下半4:4平手局面,擊出今日第二支兩分砲雙響炸裂。 這一棒幫助大都會繼續保持外卡並列第三,目前和勇士隊無勝差,一棒幫助大都會取得八連勝! --- NCLS第四戰 一局上陽春全壘打 道奇1:1梅子 -- Sent from nPTT on my iPhone 14