[情報] 遊騎兵與白襪討論Cease交易

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The #Rangers and #WhiteSox have recently engaged in trade talks involving SP Dylan Cease, per Ken_Rosenthal.

根據知名記者Ken Rosenthal文章指出,詢問Cease的除了洋基之外,遊騎兵也加入這場Cease交易討論,並且白襪球探部門確實派人來到遊騎兵春訓基地查看。

The question for the Rangers is whether they would be willing to meet the White Sox’s desired return, which according to sources is in the range of these three players, if not them specifically: utility man Ezequiel Dur嫕 and pitching prospects Brock Porter and Jack Leiter.

目前被點名的包裹可能有內野工具人Ezequiel Duran、遊騎兵農場唯一的百大先發投手Brock Porter以及2021首輪榜眼Jack Leiter。

遊騎兵今年開季輪值目前為Eovaldi-Dunning-Gray-Heaney-Bradford,Cease交易若能成真將顯著提升開季輪值強度,並等待Max Scherzer、Tyler Mahle以及Jacob deGrom三位資深先發回歸,三人皆預計在今年夏天先後回歸。


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polanco03/13 12:01洋基不出到Jones應該贏不過條子XD

hansvonboltz03/13 12:01snell:哈囉,有人嗎?

carlchang09203/13 12:05下半季地瓜如果滿血回歸這個投手群應該很猛

erimow03/13 12:12條現在就很簡單,換了很好,不換就Leiter找個時間上來頂

erimow03/13 12:12到7月,戰績不要太崩,9月後比較重要

hexokinase03/13 12:18把芒果簽回來啊

ChowDerLu03/13 12:25條子這包很大包

Minihil03/13 12:26白襪:賺爛了賺爛了

glenliu03/13 13:16條子這包不錯耶...Duran蠻好用的

liongood9303/13 14:11這個意思不像是全部包進去吧

liongood9303/13 14:13目前輪值就 eov gray dunning bradford heaney吧

x12398778903/13 14:45交易來Cease 加上地瓜如果能回來而且狀況沒跌太多的

x12398778903/13 14:45話這組先發看起來好猛

akiraje03/13 15:29話說芒果沒人簽嗎

mschien829503/13 15:33Montgomery :阿我勒