[炸裂] Marcell Ozuna No.11
勇士隊靠著Ozuna的416呎Solo Shot
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[分享] 費城球迷全場高喊:酒駕仔影片 Phillies fans are chanting “DUI” at Ozuna from the Braves 滿場的費城人球迷,在勇士隊Marcell Ozuna上來打擊時 齊聲高喊DUI(Driving under the influence/酒駕)50
[情報] Marcell Ozuna遭到家暴消息來源: Braves OF Marcell Ozuna recently suffered a facial injury after his wife allegedly hit him with a soap dish, sources say. 消息指出,最近勇士隊外野手Marcell Ozuna的妻子用肥皂盤打他,導致其臉部受傷。 Ozuna's wife, Genesis, was arrested after a 2-week police investigation and19
[分享] Marcell Ozuna一家合照(夫妻合好?)剛剛在推特上看到這個 勇士隊外野手Marcell Ozuna一家合照 Marcell Ozuna & Family.6
[情報] Braves to sign Marcell Ozuna 4yr/65MSource: Marcell Ozuna and the Atlanta Braves are in agreement on a four-year, $65 million deal, pending physical. It can reach $80 million. There is a club option for a fifth year.6
[炸裂] Marcell Ozuna一局下 斧頭幫Ozuna大棒一揮 兩分全壘打 亞特蘭大勇士隊2:0暫時領先芝加哥小熊隊 --4
[炸裂] Marcell Ozuna 9局上半追平轟勇士出戰大都會隊 9局上半1:2落後兩出局 新同學Ozuna從Edwin Diaz手上敲出追平陽春全壘打 雙方2:2平手 熟悉的Diaz(?)2
[炸裂] Marcell Ozuna勇士作客教士四連戰 G4 七局上歐豬對上達比修有擊出陽春砲 目前勇士1比2暫時落後 Go Braves! --- 五局下 Marcell Ozuna 炸了一發兩分砲 苦主是Gonsolin 幫助勇士3:1領先