[炸裂] Justin Turner
Justin Turner一棒轟過綠色怪物 兩分砲
目前 天使 1:2 紅襪
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[炸裂] Justin Turner九局下半一人出局 Justin Turner一發兩分砲追平比數 本季第二轟出爐 費城人和躲人繼續互相傷害 9:941
[討論] 大聯盟對Justin Turner感到震怒!Justin Turner因為被通知確診之後 在封王慶祝本來應該要接受隔離的情況跑出去 而且安管人員有嘗試阻止Turner,但是他還是不管跑上去 在封王合照的時候甚至也拿下口罩惹,還跟老婆親吻跟到處走來走去 同時間還有一堆球員的小孩也在場中41
[情報] Justin Turner 大腿二級拉傷 球季結束Justin Turner had grade 2 hamstring strain and is out for postseason 道奇隊主力三壘手 Justin Turner 今天在比賽後半段因傷提前被換下場休息 確認是大腿二級拉傷15
[情報] 大聯盟不罰Justin TurnerNo punishment for Justin Turner and his actions after testing positive during Ga me 6 of the World Series. Found this part of the league’s statement telling: Wh ile there was blame cast on Turner and others for their action, MLB recognized i ts complicity through protocol holes.31
[情報] Justin Turner加入墨西哥聯盟BOMBAZO!!!! Justin Turner de los Dodgers acaba de llegar a un acuerdo para jugar media tem porada con los @Pericos_Oficial hasta que se reanuden actividades de la MLB y tendremos a barba roja comiendo cemitas poblanas @InstaBet_mx Justin Turner加入墨西哥聯盟的pericos de puebla隊,協商簽約半個球季,直到MLB恢31
Fw: [情報] Justin Turner去紅襪作者: polanco (polanco) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] Justin Turner去紅襪 時間: Mon Dec 19 06:56:20 2022 Justin Turner's deal with the Boston Red Sox is for two years and just shy of $2 2 million, and it includes an opt-out after the first season, sources tell ESPN.21
[情報] Justin Turner back to Dodgers 34M/2yThird baseman Justin Turner’s deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers is for two year 道奇確定簽回獅子丸Justin Turner,合約為兩年超過30M,這樣看來道奇今年的陣容應該也差不多了 Justin Turner deal with Dodgers, per source: Two years, $34M, with club option for third season. Includes $8M signing bonus.3
[炸裂] Justin TurnerJustin Turner緊接著再 Muncy 後補一隻 B2B 本季第12支 HR 今年 Turner 的全壘打產量比較多耶 XD 道奇 3:0 領先.... --2
[情報] Justin Turner 獲得Roberto Clemente獎Your 2022 Roberto Clemente Award recipient is Justin Turner. His unwavering effort and tireless commitment to community continues to change lives throughout Los Angeles. 道奇隊 Justin Turner1
[炸裂] Justin TurnerJustin Turner道歉啦 轟薛蛇一發陽春砲 也替自己贖點罪 畢竟二局下的嚴重失誤 造成球隊失三分
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