[討論] 富邦去年We will win,那今年呢?

看板Baseball標題[討論] 富邦去年We will win,那今年呢?作者
時間推噓58 推:61 噓:3 →:17

如題,富邦去年口號We will win,結果讓人印象蠻深刻的。


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asd22432101/19 15:54被注意到了

royalsage01/19 15:54When will we win

honen01/19 15:54百年爛隊

xzero091101/19 15:54Thank you

polanco01/19 15:54超簡單任務

LSLLtu01/19 15:54We will thank you

greentea120501/19 15:54I'll thank you!

resbond01/19 15:54愛清潔有禮貌

gtoselina01/19 15:55We will 被注意

mangifera4301/19 15:55We dont have bulls

beeboombee01/19 15:55#是時候了 #我們不打了

LaBoLa01/19 15:55We will thank U

goodhike01/19 15:55富邦悍將沒有牛

marx9352101/19 15:55We thank you

ice33221101/19 15:56We will give

wayne40801/19 15:56We will be noticed

longlifenoc01/19 15:56we will feed

trogtor01/19 15:56#重生 #牛魂已滅

TPdidilong01/19 15:56we will 被注意XDDD 笑死

cobras63801/19 15:56123 321 1234567 我們是快樂的好兒童

yuran01/19 15:57會開始造神吧 神奇的富邦之類的

PbTi01/19 15:57THANK YOU ALL

Kenter02701/19 15:57We will thank

leoncurry3001/19 15:58We will thank you

Y22501/19 15:58富邦悍將 We will cheap

Yan96301/19 15:58We won’t win

RedBottleona01/19 15:58you're welcome

GodtoneIsGod01/19 15:58you're welcome!

mtyk1010001/19 15:59Thank you

dreamerlu01/19 15:59We will thank you

jcmoon021501/19 16:00Will we win?

mutta01/19 16:00#注意到了 #Noticed!

weezyriver01/19 16:00問就是thank you

BusterPosey01/19 16:01We can win 再來should could may

njnjy01/19 16:01123321我們是富邦悍將 愛清潔有禮貌

turncolan01/19 16:02We still will win !!!!

MarcoChieh01/19 16:02Thank You Now

stephen042101/19 16:03We will, we will thank you!

hengfreecss01/19 16:03we thank you

kevin1952801/19 16:05Thank you 阿!都埋伏筆這麼久了

cpylislv01/19 16:08KPI NO.1

nacl049701/19 16:10看來就是thanks了

f9999999301/19 16:11找3Q哥當啦啦隊

sos007sos01/19 16:11I’m fine. Thank you .And you?

JavaBass01/19 16:15HowBonFuBon

king912201/19 16:16We will give

livingbear01/19 16:17今年thank you 明年byebye

yjc31074601/19 16:18Thank and Tank

frank4090101/19 16:19We need win

aids89300101/19 16:20we will leave

WeAntiTVBS01/19 16:2155555555555!!

shine031201/19 16:22Thank you 印象深刻

yeatsfang21501/19 16:27Thank you 20up

winklly01/19 16:27Thank you

rickcoo01/19 16:27Many thanks

a8537001/19 16:28Thank you

qpack01/19 16:29We wil, we will thank you~

Ogrish01/19 16:31thank you 蔡明宗, 趕快賣一賣比較實在

ByeFat01/19 16:34We are the CheapMen

Godshou50801/19 16:47We will lose

its013001/19 17:043Q

sustto01/19 17:113Q爹斯

kuku95101/19 17:27We will win later

cleanx01/19 17:32Will we win?

wowwowwow01/19 17:40We cost down

PPLong88901/19 17:43兔年當然是「We will win,兔」

avcddd01/19 17:51Lets Lost Lot

AhCheng01/19 17:56問就是Thank you

johnteddy01/19 17:57How to win

zxcc7901/19 18:13TKS

chinhsi01/19 18:21future is our's

o320801/19 18:56They will win

iwstrong01/19 19:03Run for green

rolleiman01/19 19:09Thank you fans.

lagidog01/19 19:22Thank you

chihching66601/19 19:27they will be poor

dss101701/19 20:15They will win

rotusea01/20 00:02We Thank You

pigtimpig6601/20 00:02Win now-》will win-> ??

ChiaRen082301/20 00:37We will win VOL.2

kbytchen01/20 04:49We will see (台語)