[情報] Joe Kelly、Clayton Kershaw進傷兵名單

看板Baseball標題[情報] Joe Kelly、Clayton Kershaw進傷兵名單作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:8

The Dodgers selected the contract of RHP Brent Honeywell, recalled RHP Ben Casparius, and placed RHP Joe Kelly on the injured list with right shoulder inflammation and placed LHP Clayton Kershaw on the injured list with left big toe inflammation.

Joe Kelly(右肩發炎)

Clayton Kershaw(左腳大拇指發炎)

Brent Honeywell跟Ben Casparius升上大聯盟


Justin Wrobleski也已經在Chase Field


Justin Wrobleski is at Chase Field. Expectation has been he will come up with roster expansion and start tomorrow.


Kershaw狀況:左腳拇指長骨刺 有望在15天以後回歸 最佳情景是季後賽前還能投三場比賽

#Dodgers Dave Roberts confirmed that Clayton Kershaw will be going on the IL due to a bone spur in his left big toe. They are hopeful that he will be able to return after the 15-day IL stint.

He added that best case scenario, he takes down 3 starts before the postseason begins.

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Willdododo09/01 07:48Kelly也進了哦

Miyanishi2509/01 07:49還不停賽嗎.........

DreamTail09/01 07:55

DreamTail09/01 07:58Joe也太衰,昨天臨危受命就受傷了= =

yeeNeko09/01 07:59一次兩個…

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 09/01/2024 08:09:23

FOREVER49KG09/01 08:098/19DFA的 Honeywell 又撿回?

FOREVER49KG09/01 08:11

polanco09/01 08:14沒人撿 所以成功下放3A

Yjizz09/01 08:16....

FOREVER49KG09/01 08:18好的 謝謝

cklovework09/01 08:19雖然凱莉很抖,但是個漢字,希望快好

Yjizz09/01 08:20Kelly哥就是勉強一局

revise09/01 08:44Kelly被操過頭QQ

indoman09/01 08:50柯蕭今年會退休嗎

Yjizz09/01 08:50昨天Glasnow9局說笑 Stone也是一號苦瓜表情 不發一語

Yjizz09/01 08:51推錯