[分享] 大谷翔平團隊對於Roberts的洩漏感到不滿
Shohei Ohtani’s camp is “displeasured” with Dave Roberts’ comments about t
heir meeting, per sources. They opine all teams to “respect the process.”
消息人士透露,大谷翔平的陣營對道奇總教練Dave Roberts對他們會面的評論感到「不滿」。他們認為所有團隊都要「尊重流程」。
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[分享] 道奇計畫讓Scherzer後天國聯冠軍戰G1先發Dave Roberts on if Max Scherzer can start in Game 1 of the NLCS: "That’s the plan, but we knew going into this if we used him tonight there might be a cost …we’ll talk to Max tomorrow and see where he’s at.” Max Scherzer: "I don’t know. Party tonight, figure it out tomorrow."41
[情報] 蘿蔔:克蕭今天沒傷,他G4會再投Dave Roberts said of Clayton Kershaw, moments ago: "He's going to pitch Game 4 ." Roberts said Kershaw was not suffering from any injury tonight. 道奇總教練Dave Roberts 賽後說到Clayton Kershaw表示:他將在第四戰再次登板投球37
[情報] Dave Roberts 預期明年續任道奇總教練Per a source, Dave Roberts is expected to return as Dodgers manager in 2023 That answers one big question entering the offseason. But several others still r emain after the team's NLDS defeat Here’s more on the news, and a preview of the winter ahead32
[情報] Dave Roberts 今天沒出席躲人練習日Dave Roberts is not at Chase Field for #Dodgers workout today. Said he stayed at the hotel for meetings with the front office. Dave Roberts 今天沒出席躲人在Chase Field 的練習日 而是待在飯店和制服組開會XX
[情報] Joe Kelly與Dave Roberts遭到禁賽Joe Kelly and Dave Roberts suspended for Dodgers-Astros incident: 道奇隊救援投手Joe Kelly因為在昨天對太空人的比賽中投出數顆危險近身球,今天遭到 大聯盟給予禁賽八場的嚴厲處分,而道奇總教練Roberts也同樣被禁賽一場25
[情報] 道奇總仔:今年..不一定拿總冠軍Dave Roberts, speaking to the media at Dodgers Fanfest, said he will not guarantee the Dodgers winning the World Series this season. 蘿蔔會怕了 前幾年開季都會喊總冠軍 今天接受媒體表示不保證本季拿下總冠軍21
[情報] Dave Roberts預期明年將繼續執教躲人Per a source, Dave Roberts is expected to return as Dodgers manager in 2023 That answers one big question entering the offseason. But several others still r emain after the team's NLDS defeat Here’s more on the news, and a preview of the winter ahead9
[討論] Dave Roberts才是年年烙賽的原因吧?季賽戰績第一的球隊 往往一定是投手打擊戰力最頂尖的 在大量比賽下一定會把戰力展示出來 季後賽會走向最後的隊伍 往往是調兵遣將最好的總教練6
[分享] 蘿蔔說巨人的一壘教練在偷暗號今天道奇對巨人的比賽 道奇總教練Dave Roberts蘿蔔說巨人隊的一壘教練在第一局時偷暗號給打者 Tyler Anderson發現後叫了暫停 把我躲的投教叫上來說這件事 後來裁判們討論後叫一壘教練站回原本的box 來源:
[分享] 陳子豪FB70
[分享] 王翊亘X49
[討論] 拿莫如果穿黃衫人氣會更上層樓嗎51
[分享] 樂天桃猿 Welcome 呂詠臻47
[情報] 安樂智大和經紀人鬧翻:我要去MLB41
[分享] Thank You謝謝你,一號重砲陳子豪 (更新FB38
[分享] 大聯盟今年開轟甩棒前40名60
[分享] 味全龍:Thank You 呂詠臻44
Re: [分享] 味全龍:Thank You 呂詠臻1X
Re: [討論] 應援曲有版權嗎? 跟人還是跟隊?63
[分享] VOGUE 陳傑憲專訪+帥照11
[情報] 韓職十隊今年周邊銷售成長(起亞漲340%8
[情報] 遊騎兵用2年37M簽下Joc Pederson23
[分享] 中信兄弟FB ThankYou 陳子豪5
Re: [新聞] 中職/陳子豪合約正式簽定 保障平均月領百萬還有調漲機15
[情報] Sean Manaea回大都會 3y/75M2
Re: [新聞] 12強冠軍郵摺23日開放第二波預購2
Re: [新聞] 富邦悍將公布外籍教練團 後藤光尊接下25
[討論] FA的年限16
[討論] 如果早點攤牌的話