[情報] 洋基跟小熊對Kyle Tucker有興趣

看板Baseball標題[情報] 洋基跟小熊對Kyle Tucker有興趣作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:13

The #Yankees and #Cubs are two teams who are interested in trading for Kyle Tucker, per league sources.

While not actively shopping Tucker, Astros GM Dana Brown said Monday he is open to listening on any of the team’s players.

有聯盟消息說洋基跟小熊都有興趣討論Kyle Tucker的交易



Jack Curry mentioned that Kyle Tucker is someone the Yankees will likely have conversations about, although Meredith Marakovits mentioned his high price tag would make it unlikely.

Jack Curry說洋基會去問看看





Tucker’s free agent value was talked about as $300 million + during this season, and now with Juan Soto getting $765 million, people in the industry are talking about Kyle Tucker as a potential $500 million player.


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JKjohnwick12/11 11:36這真的該搶看看

Kelite12/11 11:37小熊不是要重建嗎

userYuEyUe12/11 11:38洋基交易明年FA的頂級打者 突然有點熟悉

bbo4045312/11 11:38可惜今年受傷不然要生涯年了

octaplus12/11 11:39洋基的小聯盟還有油嗎XD

tsaumond12/11 11:40洋基不要又搞到花大筆資源租用一年

bmwnyy87091512/11 11:40問問而已啦

l5i9hbba12/11 11:40如果夠大包可以考慮

yankees73312/11 11:40Tucker很猛 應該換不到

WasJohnWall12/11 11:41好喔

Androi12/11 11:41洋基球場的右外野給他打 搞不好可以刷個40發長球

stesome12/11 11:43太空人沒有要重建,幹嘛放人

klbbt35712/11 11:50洋基想要跟鼓人做交易喔

ZhaireSmith12/11 11:51Tucker大概要價只比當時soto低一點而已

cjukaku12/11 11:56怎麼沒有洛杉磯有意隊

yaes11112/11 12:02除非想重建吧 不然怎麼可能交易出去

Texsogood12/11 12:03Tucker交易可以用幾年 剩一年嗎?

ashilol12/11 12:03對一年

Thebulun12/11 12:08太空人自己不想給他大約嗎?不然幹嘛交易

ashilol12/11 12:09可能有表明之後想進市場吧

polanco12/11 12:11明年沒表現太差保守一點都有3E了 肯定進市場的

Texsogood12/11 12:12今年這張這麼扯明年一定會去試身價的吧

Texsogood12/11 12:12感覺要超大包 如果留不下來很虧

ultratimes12/11 12:17這隻沒有鼓音疑慮,所以洋基想搶正常

ayachyan12/11 12:28塔克老師

Diaw080312/11 12:34之後一定挑戰FA的阿 這隻有可能500M+

glenliu12/11 12:38塔克老師走鼓迷會暴動吧

XnightmoonX12/11 12:50反正問問不用錢

kenro12/11 12:52只用一年還是算了吧,他到時也想進FA市場拼大張

geneaven12/11 13:10想想金摳黏是真的摳,也不是不可能賣

hexokinase12/11 13:25塔克老師很強

ig4999912/11 13:34鼓人不會放這隻啦

Texsogood12/11 13:52不放進FA有信心嗎

adana12/11 14:56塔克老師!

laking12/11 16:41洋基如果換這隻(雖然應該換不到),又是一年後看別人把他

laking12/11 16:41簽走嗎

globekiller12/12 00:35太空人還是會看今年戰績如何再決定吧

globekiller12/12 00:362025啦 以為過年了XD