[情報] Daniel Bard 因焦慮症進傷兵名單

看板Baseball標題[情報] Daniel Bard 因焦慮症進傷兵名單作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:9

#Rockies closer Daniel Bard is being placed on the IL with anxiety. He’s been struggling with control since the WBC and the team wants to get out ahead of it to give him time to work through it. A lot of respect to Bard for being honest and transparent through this.

洛磯終結者Daniel Bard因焦慮症被放進傷兵,自經典賽以來就一直受到控球問題的困擾,球團會給Bard時間以克服它



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fakeoldboy03/31 06:28又要失憶了嗎

book703/31 06:31這隻比小曹天份還高不少 當年也是首輪大物

sppray03/31 06:3704年你在看雅典奧運,他已經代表美國大學國家隊來台灣比

sppray03/31 06:37

sh331203703/31 06:42丹爸加油

rayhong03/31 07:13洛磯:還不停賽嘛

akiraje03/31 07:16都是WBC的問題

Yan96303/31 07:35WBC保險可賠嗎

eee6010903/31 07:39QQ 心魔

chinhsi03/31 07:50都是WBC的臭

deadchild03/31 08:10這算舊疾復發嗎

sealwow03/31 08:21這個算是WBC的鍋嗎w

duck81210503/31 08:25好慘

kimi25508503/31 08:38好不容易才好 又復發了 QQ

Qidu03/31 08:40去年神過 可以了

s652548003/31 09:11QQ

s31021303/31 09:21WBC那鳥樣...

KyleGibson03/31 09:59看他wbc投不進去一直看休息室就知道完了 蒸丸了

AhCheng03/31 10:10丹巴….加油

ultratimes03/31 10:37台灣教練:看吧,我就說是心理因素

JER272503/31 10:39茂野吾郎:關於國際賽造成yips我也略懂

Sechslee03/31 10:59

megalodon3503/31 11:03QQ 不該打wbc的

GodYi03/31 11:18失憶回來變焦慮症

shiromizu03/31 11:31好好休息QQ

lin120903/31 11:36美國鄧愷威上線

Concorde14403/31 13:36這種傷兵保險會賠嗎