[情報] 老虎簽下前廣島鯉魚洋投Drew Anderson

看板Baseball標題[情報] 老虎簽下前廣島鯉魚洋投Drew Anderson 作者
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The Tigers have signed right-hander Drew Anderson to a minor league deal, reports Evan Woodbery of MLive. It’s unclear if the righty will be in major league camp with the Tigers.

根據Evan Woodbery 的報導 老虎以一張小聯盟約附帶大聯盟春訓邀請簽下了過去兩年待在日職廣島鯉魚的右投手的Drew Anderson 。

After that run, he headed overseas to join Hiroshima Carp of Japan’s Nippon Professional Baseball. Over the past two years, Anderson tossed 115 innings in34 games for the Carp, with a 3.05 ERA in that time. He struck out 20.7% of batters faced while giving out walks at an 8.4% clip.

Anderson 現年30歲,過去兩年待在廣島隊一共出賽34場比賽,投了115局繳出3.05 ERA、20.7 K%以及8.4 BB%。



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ust01/25 11:40