[分享] 山本跟Roberts似乎有點溝通不良

看板Baseball標題[分享] 山本跟Roberts似乎有點溝通不良作者
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“If we had any inkling that all he could muster was two innings, we wouldn’t have pitched him tonight." #Dodgers RHP Yoshinobu Yamamoto left a 7-2 loss to #Royals after two innings because of triceps tightness, and then things got ... a little confusing.






But the tightness returned during pregame warmups, and Yamamoto said he “was communicating with my coaches about that.”

Why did Yamamoto make the start if he was feeling tightness before the game?

“I was very aware of it, but it was not that serious at that point,” he said.“Then, as I was pitching, it started [to get worse].”


If Yamamoto did tell Prior and assistant pitching coach Connor McGuiness that he felt some tightness warming up, “I obviously wasn’t part of that conversation,” Roberts said. “But there was no point in time where we felt he couldn’t make the start going into today or today. Because if that was the case, he wouldn’t have made the start.”


Roberts seemed to be under the impression that Yamamoto was experiencing normalbetween-starts soreness.


“He felt some soreness after his last start, and we pushed him back,” Robertssaid. “During a season, pitchers are always going to be sore, but he said he felt good enough to go. We wouldn’t pitch him if we felt he was going to put himself in harm’s way.


“If we had any inkling that all he could muster was two innings, we wouldn’t have pitched him tonight. … He had soreness during the week, which is why we pushed him back, but I didn’t know until the second inning that he couldn’t go back out for the third.


Is it possible something got lost in translation?


“I knew that he was sore going into the start, but I didn’t feel there was any soreness that would put him in harm’s way today, so I don’t see how that’s lost in translation,” Roberts said. “There was nothing that we heard, either from the coaching staff or myself, that felt he shouldn’t have made the start today. There was nothing.”




感覺突然變得很微妙,而且蘿蔔跟山本似乎有不一樣的認知(sore vs tightness)?


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Fitzwilliam06/16 15:17MLB官網早上第一時間是說緊繃

GGYEB06/16 15:18原來蘿蔔現在在國外…

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/16/2024 15:18:17

TexasFlood06/16 15:19日本人都說痛了,應該真的是要裂開了

flyslider06/16 15:20掰了

jerry0011606/16 15:20看起來是還好,就沒有直接對話導致資訊落差

jerry0011606/16 15:20反正山本先去檢查確定有沒有問題就好,其他都小事

polanco06/16 15:21躲人官方消息也是說tightness 但是蘿蔔就一直以為是sore

choobii06/16 15:21看完後好饒舌

renna03876606/16 15:21蘿蔔不會讀空氣吧?日本人很多話不會直接說的

WasJohnWall06/16 15:23看檢查後怎樣了

Moukoko06/16 15:25蘿蔔又沒問題

DaVinci06/16 15:25日投保鮮期真短 過往大概是4年左右,最大約只撐了4個月

kissung06/16 15:27果然還是要靠水原翻譯ㄚ~~台灣還有羅嘉仁可以用ㄚ

huangjyuan06/16 15:27有反應根本就不要投了 有點去年大谷的情況 球員說可以

huangjyuan06/16 15:27 教練團就開綠燈了

choobii06/16 15:28水原都被講說會超譯了

oaoa52406/16 15:28保鮮期還好啦 看看爪爪徐基麟 兩個月不到就不行了 真的是

oaoa52406/16 15:28廢到笑 沒看過投五場先發就沒力的鳥投

sixsix66606/16 15:30還在跳針水原 真無聊

bigguy06/16 15:31水原在翻譯的人也不是他 笑死

Anakin06/16 15:32感覺是這個記者要帶溝通不良的方向

jkl85206/16 15:32日本人會說痛的時候就是真的忍不住了

Chanlin0106/16 15:32山本去學英文吧 還是蘿蔔學日文

flyslider06/16 15:32大谷和翻譯勒

Anakin06/16 15:32官網新聞寫山本自己說賽前覺得有信心可以正常先發

Anakin06/16 15:32這個洛杉磯時報的記者完全不寫這段

Anakin06/16 15:33那兩篇報導其中一定有一篇有問題

Chanlin0106/16 15:33直接溝通比較順☹

flyslider06/16 15:33水原其實超級照顧大谷 難怪能二刀流那麼久

sixsix66606/16 15:34水原粉自己去討論他好嗎

moment61206/16 15:37到底為什麼山本的文底下也在水原==

moment61206/16 15:37不過我確實覺得山本的翻譯蠻爛的,跟他入團記者會那個

moment61206/16 15:37差很多,可是看他紀錄片前一個翻譯在美國談約的時候幾

moment61206/16 15:37乎是跟他住一起,不知道為什麼後來不繼續又找了個園田

airuku06/16 15:37投手教練也有注意吧,所以才馬上喊停

RyanHoward06/16 15:38翻譯是那個很會吃雞翅的?

hy65406/16 15:39水原 想你了...

icou06/16 15:51我是總教練還要讀你三小空氣啦.....

ccmvic06/16 15:56水原被搞走QQ

dd1115dd111506/16 15:59氣氛?

ultratimes06/16 16:02水原超照顧大谷,所以索取代價也超高

yuejhihwang06/16 16:03蘿蔔照理說應該會日文吧,有日本血統

Jeter06/16 16:05搞笑嗎?有日本血統就會說日文,所以卡仔會說台語還是國語

Jeter06/16 16:05

hachi1006/16 16:06談約時的翻譯應該是經紀公司的人吧,不是專職做球員隨身

hachi1006/16 16:06翻譯的。他練投的時候will ireton幾乎都會跟著一起,應

hachi1006/16 16:06該就是開始前覺得還是能比賽、比賽開始投2局真的不行才

hachi1006/16 16:06不撐的,也只能等看看檢查結果

killua020906/16 16:07有日本血統就會說日文?那卡仔會說國語囉

pinky84111806/16 16:11這也可以扯水原?山本的翻譯園田也是經過很多次面試

pinky84111806/16 16:11才錄取,何必把他說的好像很爛

sixsix66606/16 16:12想念水原以後可以買機票去探監

creep9259306/16 16:40本來以為是酸痛,但變嚴重就休息,結案

iceroy06/16 16:48蘿蔔頭有料,道奇爭冠的問題到底是不是在休息室裡呢

o099175856606/16 16:55翻譯的鍋吧

a6688002206/16 17:28日本人明明最不能忍痛了 這也是為啥日本牙醫一堆標榜

a6688002206/16 17:28無痛的 稍微鑽個牙就要打麻醉XD

yeeNeko06/16 17:42翻譯都是裝飾品嗎….

b9920207106/16 17:45還以為蘿蔔會點日文

iAsshole06/16 18:19只能投這麼短 -> 今天不能投

befly1001506/16 18:20炸雞冠軍園田通常是賽後翻譯吧 比賽中都是看到Ireton

befly1001506/16 18:20負責山本和大谷翻譯 但這兩個以前都不是專職翻譯 感

befly1001506/16 18:20覺道奇太小看翻譯這角色了

jack522806/16 19:06蘿蔔要去學日文吧 畢竟日本是世界第一

amos3062706/16 19:23還好吧 如果都講同個語言一樣有這情形會發生 山本在暖

amos3062706/16 19:23身時知道他今天只能投兩局嗎

amos3062706/16 19:24投手不覺得在硬撐 教練團看結果只能投兩局 覺得投手就

amos3062706/16 19:24在硬撐