[情報] 洋基對簽下山本由伸充滿信心

看板Baseball標題[情報] 洋基對簽下山本由伸充滿信心作者
時間推噓32 推:33 噓:1 →:16



Dec. 5: Yankees confident about standing in Yamamoto sweepstakes (report)

Although they are one of many clubs vying for Japanese ace Yoshinobu Yamamoto, the Yankees apparently feel good about their chances of landing the 25-year-old ahead of their scheduled meeting with the prized free agent next week, accordingto a report from Bob Klapisch of

根據NJ.com記者Bob Klapisch的報導,雖然洋基僅是眾多競標山本由伸的球隊之一,但他們顯然很有信心能簽下山本

At the Winter Meetings in Nashville, Tenn., Klapisch ran into one American League executive who said the Bronx Bombers have been “telling people they’re ahead of the pack on Yamamoto. Like, way ahead.”


Per Klapisch, the Yankees think their global brand could be the difference-maker in the Yamamoto sweepstakes and are already using Hideki Matsui, who came overfrom Japan to sign with the Yankees in 2002, to pitch Yamamoto on coming to theBronx. Additionally, New York can point to the immediate success fellow Japanese ace Masahiro Tanaka had after joining the Yanks in 2014.


And, of course, the Yankees also have the financial resources to win a bidding war for Yamamoto, whose price tag has risen to the point where some are now predicting he'll get close to $300 million.




“I’ve met him once before in the past, and I plan on meeting him again” Aaron Boone on Yoshinobu Yamamoto #Yankees




Yoshinobu Yamamoto is coming to the U.S. within the next week to meet with MLB teams. The Mets will be among those teams.


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terry104312/06 09:41想看翻車

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/06/2023 09:41:33

blacklittle12/06 09:42遙遙領先

pinky84111812/06 09:42如果去大都會的話還有千賀,不會孤單喔

saiulbb12/06 09:42Cashman: 我有信心

luna2000sea12/06 09:44至少在圈圈裡了

polanco:轉錄至看板 MLB

12/06 09:46

Jaguarsu12/06 09:47去梅子不好嗎

Miyanishi2512/06 09:47急了

wyh133712/06 09:48我想看翻車 去梅子吧

ericinttu12/06 09:49 遙遙領先 再翻車就更好笑了

mashmabo12/06 09:49最後不是洋基才好玩啊

laking12/06 09:49大家想看打臉

Moukoko12/06 09:52洋基又要簽個假貨了

laking12/06 09:52這個不可能是假貨啦

Moukoko12/06 09:52遙遙領先 必須領先

laking12/06 09:53拿了日本的賽揚三連霸要變成水貨還真的難

RBC5432112/06 09:53但價格真的有夠高

dd1115dd111512/06 09:54穩了

Kyameron12/06 09:55之前你們也是這麼說

dd1115dd111512/06 09:55日本頂尖投手的身手已經不用懷疑了

dd1115dd111512/06 09:55所以價格貴正常的

travis91511712/06 09:5625歲的前段輪值FA 當然貴

Jaguarsu12/06 09:57千賀成績都很不錯了,沒道理山本會是水貨吧

RoastCorn12/06 10:02去洋基坐牢QQ

thb9630012/06 10:08今年這麼爛戰機都比梅子好了 說坐牢就誇張了

travis91511712/06 10:10如果坐牢是指拿不到冠軍的話 那麻煩告訴我去哪隊不

travis91511712/06 10:10用坐牢 很缺錢QQ

kenkuo168812/06 10:12好像有個乳摸 Verdugo 去洋基

a8537012/06 10:12遙遙領先

phoenix28612/06 10:15洋基SP預算這麼多?324M Cole 160M Rodon

phoenix28612/06 10:15現在還要300M山本?

charlie0112/06 10:15對啊 就是這樣計劃的

centiyan12/06 10:18松井:你以後就算世界大賽mvp也不保證可以續約喔

BJshow12/06 10:18怎不簽大谷

travis91511712/06 10:20短期賽的MVP都可以拿來講 484沒梗了

phoenix28612/06 10:20哇 那真是豪邁

kiuo12/06 10:28說的好像松井因此埋怨洋基似的,是不知道他現在是現金人特助

kiuo12/06 10:28

asdf7004412/06 10:29幹大事了

shark6412/06 10:34立旗了

steven050312/06 10:51遙遙領先 後面接的好像都是翻車

minor5214712/06 10:56拜託去梅子

kenro12/06 11:08去梅子幹嘛?痛氣很重的地方

silentsky55512/06 11:14研究山本殺手怎麼打的就好吧

louis8282812/06 11:143億鎂真假

laking12/06 11:393億是包含入札金給歐力士的會從他的合約看

mightymouse12/06 12:02沒簽到山本可以簽山本的剋星

leosky4112/06 12:14超大盤子約預備

konow91512/06 12:20最高境界:借花獻佛

zxc12351912/06 12:21我以為梅子勢在必得? 現在薪資水位還蠻低的欸

Hiabtd12/06 23:02等翻車