[情報] J.D. Davis 贏了仲裁後被巨人釋出

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J.D. Davis released by Giants after beating team in arbitration

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- Third baseman J.D. Davis was released by the
San Francisco Giants on Monday after beating the team last month
in salary arbitration and will get just over $1.1 million in
termination pay rather than a $6.9 million salary.

Davis was awarded the salary by a three-person panel rather than
the team's $6.55 million offer. Under baseball's collective
bargaining agreement, negotiated contracts for
arbitration-eligible players are guaranteed, while salaries
decided by an arbitration panel are not. That allowed the Giants
to release Davis for 30 days' termination pay, which came to

"We negotiate all of our arbitration cases in good faith and tried
to reach an agreement with all of our arbitration-eligible
players, him included," Giants President of Baseball Operations
Farhan Zaidi said in a video call. "Sometimes it happens,
sometimes it doesn't."

Davis, who turns 31 next month, hit .248 with 18 homers and 69 RBI
last year in his first full season with the Giants, who obtained
him from the New York Mets in August 2022. He also plays first
base and outfield but became expendable when the Giants agreed to
a $54 million, three-year contract with third baseman Matt

During spring training this year, Davis was 6 for 15 (.400) with
two homers and six RBI in six games.

Zaidi also said having Wilmer Flores gives the Giants a "similar
defensive profile and role to what J.D. might be" weighed into the
decision, along with adding a full-time designated hitter in
Jorge Soler.

"The fit was a little bit tighter," Zaidi said. "We did spend last
week kind of canvassing the league for trade interest and didn't
really get a lot of traction there. That was part of the move of
putting him on outright waivers over the weekend figuring there
was more of a chance of a team putting in a claim that may be
engaging in trade discussions. As soon as we got the word that he
went unclaimed on outright waivers, we just decided to make this

巨人和 J.D. Davis 的仲裁價碼分別是 $6.55M, $6.9M

根據 CBA 規定,球員和球團合意的合約是全額保障(guaranteed)。
但如果是仲裁的判決,球團可以依照 CBA 終止合約,
只需支付 30 days termination pay, J.D. Davis 只能收到 $1,112,903。

球團表示 Wilmer Flores 和 Jorge Soler 可替代 J.D. Davis 的角色


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kevinduh403/12 09:54無情城市

polanco03/12 09:55厲害了 我的巨人

Tads03/12 09:55這有贏跟沒贏一樣吧

hdotistyle03/12 09:55無情的舊金山

abc1281203/12 09:56被報復性釋出?

huangjyuan03/12 09:57反而輸了

luna2000sea03/12 09:57你以為你贏了

belucky03/12 09:59這招有狠

polanco03/12 09:59

hu611103/12 10:00巨人:你贏了是吧

Wu123170803/12 10:00比輸了還慘,打仲裁前球團沒先知會嗎

AStigma03/12 10:00竟然能這樣搞?

joshtrace03/12 10:00贏了仲裁反而倒賠500萬鎂

FukatsuEri03/12 10:00你贏了 但也輸了

bxxl03/12 10:00球團還是浪費了1.1M啊,比原本雙方的價差還大

bxxl03/12 10:01主要還是因為找到更好的代替人選吧

zxc90638303/12 10:03因為簽了Matt Chapman

w90112703/12 10:03這招沒人想到

sindarin03/12 10:05Davis的經紀人現在在喊說球團沒誠意

johnny13203/12 10:08簽到chapman之後沒位置 沒人想要接盤的話也只能釋出吧

zxc90638303/12 10:08巨人就壓到很晚才給數字 只能直接進仲裁庭

johnny13203/12 10:08對球員來說總比硬卡在小聯盟好

yoysky03/12 10:11只能拿到1.1 m?這麼慘

alex81303/12 10:12你贏了 但我掀牌桌了

vvw555503/12 10:12樂天輸了

Kreen03/12 10:13好消息,仲裁打贏了;壞消息,東家翻桌了。

tnl071603/12 10:13雙輸?!

catsondbs03/12 10:14應該有人要吧

catsondbs03/12 10:15不過CBA這樣寫不會很不合理嗎

paracase03/12 10:15門前自摸後被翻桌

munchlax03/12 10:16

bxxl03/12 10:23CBA都是談判出來的 沒什麼合不合理

hansvonboltz03/12 10:25會有人撿吧

ccl00703/12 10:25一種剛買各種雙人家具卻離婚的概念(好熟悉......)

ahshao03/12 10:26一切合法 謝謝指教

yoysky03/12 10:28有人撿的話,價錢沒規定是6.9m了吧

s932131203/12 10:30為了爭35萬 結果虧了5百多萬

s95534603/12 10:30 好啊,你贏了,我不玩了(掀桌

huso03/12 10:35請問如果有人撿的話那他能拿到全部的錢嗎?還是會降價?

Elmo03/12 10:36經紀人:好消息我們仲裁贏了 壞消息你被釋出了

sdyy03/12 10:39好爛 這樣仲裁有什麼意義

ashilol03/12 10:43因為沒人撿

andy81810203/12 10:44就球團評估後用1M打發走6M的人

a093748036003/12 10:44有乳摸說 Davis目前變自由球員 也有幾隻球隊有興趣

a093748036003/12 10:44簽的 但金額就不一定會到達仲裁的690萬 可能更低

johnny13203/12 10:45應該是在waiver撿要付6.9M才沒人撿?通過釋出就重新談

jumpballfan03/12 10:45無情城市

Anakin03/12 10:57翻錯了

jimgene03/12 10:59哪裡不合理,不是付了一百多萬分手費了

jimgene03/12 11:00把那個當作資遣費,不就合理了

GG9478303/12 11:03宇宙躲要撿嗎

louis8282803/12 11:06無情

MindWork03/12 11:07輸了你 贏了仲裁又如何

Anakin03/12 11:09不是什麼仲裁看結果合約生不生效終不終止,原文不是這樣寫

murmur3803/12 11:09還可以輸牌就翻桌喔 這樣誰要打仲裁

poz9303/12 11:11中職應該要抄這條 看誰還敢提仲裁

JKjohnwick03/12 11:12無情城市

sten545303/12 11:16上有政策 下有對策

marlonlai03/12 11:17好處就馬上變自由球員 一般球員要6年年資 不過他本來

marlonlai03/12 11:17年資就快到了 如果市場沒啥人有興趣那蠻虧的

BigHurt03/12 11:18會贏喔

jimgene03/12 11:19為什麼會釋出??因為他連交易的價值都沒有

bxxl03/12 11:21查了,只要進入聽證,不管輸贏都沒有保障,可以裁掉

bxxl03/12 11:21也就是沒有贏了反而輸這回事,當初輸了也可能被裁

bxxl03/12 11:22只有聽證前達成協議才有全年保障

chopinlee03/12 11:25所以現在變自由球員後,舉例巨人就可以用2M簽回去?

c812117503/12 11:26太卑鄙了

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 03/12/2024 11:31:53

c812117503/12 11:28他不至於沒人要吧

ashilol03/12 11:31就是沒人要

jason1003/12 11:32看起來就自己不知道在公司的地位還敢上法院吵薪水,殊不

jason1003/12 11:32知公司已找到替代人選

ccpz03/12 11:32仲裁不管哪方贏都可以翻盤, 看來我翻錯了orz

jimgene03/12 11:34巨人不差那幾百萬啦,但有時候不要高估自己的重要性

jimgene03/12 11:34巨人本來好像是開640萬吧,還是我看錯資料

nikesb03/12 11:35巨人GM:敢不給老子面子提仲裁? 砍了你!

bestteam03/12 11:40輸了仲裁但不爽付錢 竟然還有這招救濟

kenro03/12 11:41真狠,直接丟掉

ashilol03/12 11:42都照著流程走也沒啥好不合理的

joshtrace03/12 11:43這樣也對,畢竟即使沒仲裁球團本來就可以任意釋出球員

ramirez03/12 11:43太無情了吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ashilol03/12 11:43都丟讓渡了 也沒人撿 沒法了

jimgene03/12 11:44不是,巨人本來就開640萬,一個仲裁只多50萬

jimgene03/12 11:44巨人會差那50萬嗎,擺明就不想理你了

corhe03/12 11:57經紀人:hi Davis有一個好消息跟一個壞消息 你想先聽哪一個?

antidote03/12 11:58有看到人說球團是開6.5 差距更小...

iwinlottery03/12 12:10還敢跟資方爭權益啊XD

AhCheng03/12 12:23太無情了

k86539403/12 12:31勞方臭狗還敢叫 太可憐了

a093748036003/12 12:39他的成績一定找的到下家 但在巨人很尷尬就是因為Cha

a093748036003/12 12:39pman 卡住三壘了

dummy556603/12 13:18好像怪怪的,資方賭輸可以翻桌?

dummy556603/12 13:19就算勞方也可以翻桌,感覺還是怪

shengping03/12 13:23釋出球團方也沒撈到什麼好處 主要是不夠強沒交易價值

yuuyuuhuu03/12 13:24剛好就被Chapman 卡住 沒辦法

yuuyuuhuu03/12 13:24也沒有什麼贏了仲裁反而輸這種說法

gn0032489303/12 13:41這個球員有利吧,有錢拿還直接變FA,只是巨人故意拖

gn0032489303/12 13:41這麼晚

ccmvic03/12 14:15慣老闆球團走了也好

trickart03/12 14:32超級不合理 這麼有利球員 有買斷金又直接變自由身 不用

trickart03/12 14:32再被綁住

cheng3150703/12 14:40無情

polanco03/12 14:54覺得這條有利球員的到底在想什麼……XD

bxxl03/12 15:18以前就這樣啊 也沒變得比較不利 不是因為寫了這條才不利

bxxl03/12 15:19還是慢慢的有爭取到一些,從完全不利變成有時候不利

moonpaper03/12 17:30手術成功,病人死亡

victor8771003/12 19:26輸了就翻桌 哈哈

orange798603/12 23:46掀牌桌 XD

Explosionpp03/13 11:17心眼比O眼小

peterw03/13 17:07贏了比賽輸了勝負