[情報] Hosmer把去年麻州買的房子拋售(開價6.57

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時間推噓16 推:20 噓:4 →:14

First baseman Eric Hosmer has put his Massachusetts home on the market after signing a one-year deal with the Chicago Cubs.

Hosmer and his wife, Kacie, reportedly bought the 8,000-square-foot home in September for $6.15 million. Less than six months later, they’ve listed it for $6.575 million.

The six-bedroom home was constructed in the 1930s and retained its original details despite a major renovation in 2018. There’s also a wine cellar, a playroom, a library, and a gym.

Kacie Hosmer reportedly called the property “our dream home.”

Hosmer has been in the league for over a decade, since his rookie season with the Kansas City Royals in 2008. He won a World Series in 2015 and boasted four Gold Glove awards.

Hosmer jumped to the Red Sox from the Padres around the trade deadline. The Padres still owe him $39 million over three years — so the Cubs are paying no morethan the league minimum, per

去年被交易大限被送去波士頓紅襪的Eric Hosmer





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jdjj03/04 23:23賺來了

WasJohnWall03/04 23:23144M!

AisinGioro03/04 23:23反觀台北1.8億只能買到

AisinGioro03/04 23:25可以買到陶朱吧?

skittles03/04 23:25他該不會以為紅襪會讓他待到走完合約吧…

karta169597103/04 23:32六個月漲快十趴,這個炒房吧

ccl00703/04 23:33想太多 麻州跟加州都藍州 持有稅率超高 至少5%起跳

abc1281203/04 23:36敢不敢挑戰買台灣房地產?

YuenYang40503/04 23:46比台北的房子還便宜 但大多了

ShaneL0403/04 23:49打球還是炒房阿

MapleLeaf15103/04 23:50球員一般來說不是都不會輕易買房嗎

erodora03/04 23:54才六個月漲那麼多 炒房仔嘔嘔嘔嘔

Derp03/05 00:01六個月就想賺這麼多 有夠羨慕

mikechang03/05 00:02麻州土地/房屋稅應該1-2%左右。前三名是紐澤西,伊利

mikechang03/05 00:02諾,德州

Coffeewater03/05 00:186個月10% 炒房仔+1

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:478000平方英尺=225坪

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:48657.5鎂=NT2億

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:49一坪88.89萬 其實這根本比台灣大部分的地方都貴啊

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:50麻州人口密度大概台灣的一半 當然如果考慮到國民所得的

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:51話價格的確還好

Ec73Iwai03/05 00:51上面打漏了 是657.5萬鎂

ELF00703/05 01:11你點進去看 那個八千英尺高機率是指土地面積

ELF00703/05 01:11*平方英尺

JustinTurner03/05 02:24練球好嗎

JasonHuang03/05 02:26樓上 應該是建築面積沒錯 如果沒特別講基本是指建物

david1276303/05 03:12就也是挺豪華的阿,鬼島現在這種等級更貴更小吧 還是

david1276303/05 03:12假坪數

charliekimo03/05 05:29推文又有人看不懂英文裝懂

charliekimo03/05 05:29就是室內八千平方英尺

charliekimo03/05 05:33土地面積1.03英畝 大概1260坪

cchhuu03/05 09:00這種有名氣的賣貴合理

cchhuu03/05 09:00台灣一堆根本不知道是誰的在那邊胡亂喊價

lon062303/05 09:11美國房屋持有成本很高的,每年都要繳可能房價的1%以上

lon062303/05 09:12所以他們基本上不會囤房,自然房價相對不高

mightymouse03/05 09:40美國房子是買來住的,台灣是投資工具

lon062303/05 11:26也有啊,不然次級房貸風暴怎麼來的?

tmc9403/05 12:30這兩億豪宅比台北豪宅好多了