[情報] 去年MLB球員總薪資首次超越50億美金
MLB Luxury Tax Payrolls Hit $5.2B In Record Revenue Year
Total Major League Baseball player compensation reached new heights in 2022.
Payments to players topped $5 billion for the first time, reaching $5.2 billion– up from $4.5 billion the year before.
That sum includes player salaries on each team’s 40-man roster, calculated as the average annual value across each players’ contract.
It also includes $16 million per club in additional benefits, including healthcare, pensions insurance, spring training allowances, meal and tip money, and taxes.
Six teams made luxury tax payments for exceeding the $230 million payroll threshold, led by the Los Angeles Dodgers with a $32.4 million bill.
The New York Mets paid $30.8 million. They had the league’s highest payroll at$299.8 million, but were assessed at a lower rate because they had not crossed the payroll threshold the year prior.
躲人 $32.4 million(止步分區系列戰,輸給教士)
梅子 $30.8 million(止步外卡系列戰,輸給教士)
洋基 $9.7 million(止步美聯冠軍戰,輸給太空人)
教士 $2.9 million(止步國聯冠軍戰,輸給費城人)
費城 $1.5 million(世界大賽亞軍,輸給太空人)
紅襪 $1.2 million(美聯東區墊底)
Record Revenue
The record payroll total corresponded with a record revenue year for MLB, whichbrought in $10.8 billion in 2022. New media deals with Fox, TBS, and ESPN brought in $1.8 billion, and sponsorship deals added another $1.2 billion.
The league will add a new source of funds this season with teams now allowed tosell sponsored uniform patches.
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2023 21:08:42
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