[情報] Jordan Hicks去巨人

看板Baseball標題[情報] Jordan Hicks去巨人作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:4

BREAKING: Right-hander Jordan Hicks and the San Francisco Giants are in agreement on a four-year, $44 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN. Hicks, 27, is expected to work as a starter after spending the majority of his career in the bullpen.




Now that the San Francisco Giants are converting Jordan Hicks to a starter after signing him to a 4-year, $44 million contract, it all but officially eliminates any idea that free-agent starter Blake Snell could wind up in SF.

代表巨人可能不會再追Blake Snell


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Blackie921101/13 08:14會先發喔?

karta32801/13 08:18印象中速球派牛棚轉先發都很慘

k3353601/13 08:25海馬: 其實我還不錯

lookers01/13 08:27巨人挖不到正常人開始走這種路線了

Drzowy01/13 08:29Ray Cobb都傷兵開季 Snell還是要追吧

saiulbb01/13 08:31不看好 如果來光芒或許還有點可能轉SP

Yuriceratops01/13 08:45控球沒問題嗎

b9920207101/13 08:59之前不就轉失敗了

peter8900001/13 09:00Snell到底會花落誰家呢?堂堂賽揚談不到新約

y80012215501/13 09:09當牛不行就改當SP?

WasJohnWall01/13 09:17先發XD

ericinttu01/13 09:24 還好沒人跟巨人搶

CoryLuebke01/13 09:44會降球速求續航嗎

cloud24101/13 10:24

SULAjardin01/13 10:59小Monila喜歡這則交易