[情報] 韓國WBC代表隊將在下週一集合開記者會
Nat'l baseball team for WBC to meet for 1st time Monday
By Yoo Jee-ho
SEOUL, Jan. 11 (Yonhap) -- Players and coaching staff of the national baseball team for this year's World Baseball Classic (WBC) will hold their first meeting next Monday in Seoul.
The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) said Wednesday manager Lee Kang-chul and players currently training in South Korea will gather at a Seoul hotel for an orientation and a press conference. They will pick up their uniforms and go over tournament rules, among other things.
The national team will run training camp in Tucson, Arizona, from Feb. 13 to 28. They will return home on March 1 and train here for a couple more days, beforeflying to Osaka on March 4.
South Korea is scheduled to play Nippon Professional Baseball clubs for tuneups: the Orix Buffaloes on March 6 and then the Hanshin Tigers on March 7, both at Osaka Dome.
3/6 VS 歐力士猛牛 @大阪京瓷巨蛋
3/7 VS 阪神虎 @大阪京瓷巨蛋
South Korea's first WBC game is against Australia on March 9.
反…疑 好像沒什麼好反的
ㄏ 雚
帥哥太多了 歐爸
台灣不是月底就集訓了 這沒啥好反觀吧
不管 先反再說
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